Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mason is 3 Weeks Old!

This is his model look!  LOL!

Look at those cheeks!!!

My little angel is 3 weeks old!  Mason had to go back to the doctor to check and make sure that he was gaining weight, and my munchkin ate like a champ this week.  He weighs 9 pounds and 3 ounces.  He gained almost a pound in one week!  The doctor was very pleased with his growth.  I started to mix formula with breast milk to make sure that he was getting enough nourishment, and it worked.  We are still working on getting him on a routine, but as of now, he makes all the rules.  LOL!  Mason also got his first real bath this week and he loved it!  He was so relaxed and enjoyed every second until it was time to come out.  He screamed and cried even though we swaddled him with two towels to make sure he was warm enough.  Mason and I took our first trip away from home together.  We went to my school and visited with the students and teachers.  He was such a good boy the entire time.  It was really great to see everyone:-)  

I want to thank my wonderful sister-in-law Michelle!  I really appreciate you coming over and watching Mason while I got some much needed sleep.  I felt rejuvenated and ready for another sleepless night:)  Words cannot express how grateful I am!  I also want to thank all family members and friends who have been bringing us food and watching Mason to give Marc and I a little break.  Thank you to everyone!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy 2 Week Birthday Mason:-)

Mason had his first photography session and she took the most amazing pictures!  I will post more when the rest of the pictures come in.  He is my little model!

I am ready to eat mom:-)

Mason trying so hard to focus.

Chillin with Momma and Poppa:-)

Mason is so relaxed on Poppa's lap!
My little Mason is already 2 weeks old.  He is still 21 inches long and weighs 8 pounds 5 ounces now.  The doctor was slightly concerned because he is supposed to be back at his birth weight at this stage.  We will go back to the pediatrician next week, and hopefully Mason will have gained more weight.  I have been trying to eat more calories and take supplements to help bring on more milk to feed my growing angel.  The pediatrician said that Mason seems very healthy and has excellent skin for a 2 week old baby.  I also had my postpartum appointment as well today.  I have already lost 35 pounds in 2 weeks:-)  A lot of it was water weight and I am so grateful to have my bony ankles and feet back!  I even started wearing my wedding rings again!  The doctor explained that my incision looks great and it is normal to still feel pain up until 4-6 weeks.  It usually only hurts when I wake up in the middle of the night for feedings.  Mason sleeps like a champ during the day, but tends to get fussy after midnight.  It has been awesome having Marc home with me for these 2 weeks.  He has already proven to be an exceptional partner and father.  Now that I am able to pump more, Marc gets to partake in the feedings as well.  This helps them to bond more and grow even closer.  Mason is the best thing that could have happened to our little family!  We are beyond happy and so in love with him:-)   

Friday, September 16, 2011

Mason's Birth Story

The last time it will ever be just the 2 of us:)

My little angel!
Walking the hallways of the hospital:-)

On September 6 at 11:00 AM, I went to my 39 week doctor's appointment.  At this point in the pregnancy, I was swollen everywhere, barely sleeping at night, and having regular false labor contractions.  After my exam, my doctor explained that I was dilated to 2 centimeters, but it was very tight and Mason was still sitting up high.  She decided to strip my membranes, but she did not seem hopeful that it would bring on labor and she gave me a 50/50 chance.  My doctor suggested that I leave the office and go to the mall and walk for 2 hours and if I get consistent contractions, she wanted me to go to the hospital.  My sister came and picked me up and we went to the mall.  After walking, eating, and some shopping, my contractions were about 4 minutes apart.  They weren't too painful and I did not think much of them, but we decided to go to the hospital just to see if I made any progress.  At the hospital, they hooked me up to the monitors and gave me a pelvic exam.  The nurse wanted me to walk on the hospital floor for an hour.  Jaime, Brooke, my mom and I walked through the halls of the labor and delivery area.  After that first hour, I was now dilated to 3 centimeters and the nurse wanted me to walk for another hour.  I was exhausted after walking at the mall, and now I had to do another hour of walking through the same boring hallway.  So, my entourage, now including Marc, and I set out for another hour.  My contractions started to get more painful and I was getting really excited because I thought this was it!  Unfortunately when the nurse checked me again, I did not make any progress.  She suggested that I go home and relax to see if the contractions get stronger.  At 10:00 PM, Marc drove us back home.  In the car, I felt my first real contraction and it was painful.  At home, the contractions got worse.  I was having really bad back labor, but I was still hesitant and I thought it might be gas.  LOL!  I remembered some of the coping techniques from the class that Marc and I took and tried them at home.  Marc would massage my back, I would get down on all fours, I would breathe a lot, and I took four hot twenty minutes showers.  Now thinking back, I must have looked ridiculous:-)  The showers worked the best and that was the only time I had relief.  When my sanctuary of the shower stopped working, that was when I knew it was time.  We packed our bags and at 2 AM, we headed back to the hospital.  That was the longest drive EVER!  During that drive, my idea of having a natural birth went out the window.  I was counting down the minutes for that epidural!  The nurses were surprised to see me back, but when she checked me, I was dilated to 6 centimeters!  I was finally getting admitted to the hospital to have my little man!  Before I could get the epidural, they had to hook up my IV and ask me a million questions.  It took the nurse 4 times before she could hook up the IV because my veins were so dehydrated.  Jamming my arms and both hands with a needle was more painful then the contractions!  I did not receive the epidural until 4 AM!  After a few hours of relaxation, drama set in.  Mason's heartbeat went very low and twenty nurses ran into the room.  They put an oxygen mask on me, gave me a shot in my arm, broke my water, and placed a monitor on Mason inside the womb.  It was the scariest moment of my life!  After moving my position, Mason's heartbeat was back to normal.  When the doctor came in again, he was concerned that I had been dilated to 7 cm for 4 hours and Mason still did not drop into position.  He explained that if things did not change in one hour, then he would have to perform a c-section.  After 20 minutes, he came back in the room and made the decision to have a c-section because things were not getting any better and Mason's heartbeat was going down.  I was terrified and wanted so badly to have a regular birth, but the health of my son was more important than anything.  The nurses and doctors were amazing and really made me feel relaxed.  At 9:17 AM on September 7, I heard the beautiful cries of my little Mason.  He was born at 8 pounds 9 ounces and 21 inches long.  He was born on his grandma's birthday!  This was the most amazing day of our lives and I couldn't be happier!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Happy 1 Week Birthday!

I can't believe my little angel is already 1 week old today!  Time is flying by way too fast.  He makes us so happy and I love him more than anything:-)

Penny loves her baby brother (but not his crying:-)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mason Has Arrived!!!!!

Mason Richard Boileau
September 7, 2011
9:17 AM
8 Pounds 9 Ounces
21 Inches

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Appointment Update

On Friday, I went back to the doctor to check my blood pressure.  Even though it wasn't high for the norm the last time I went, it was considered higher for my normal.  But this time everything was great and she was pleased with my blood pressure.  Maybe it was because the stress of preparing for my substitute was over and I just finished my last day of work for the next 9 weeks!  I also did not gain any weight:-)  Mason's heartbeat was 140 beats per minute and he was jumping around in my belly the entire time.  She was concerned that I am not drinking enough water.  I already drink so much that I did not think it was possible to drink more, but I am chugging it down.  I also had to wear my very first pair of flat shoes:(  Thanks Jaime for letting me borrow your flip flops.  I don't even own a pair!  LOL!  I can't wait until my feet and ankles are back to normal!  As of now, no signs of him coming today.  I am still having regular contractions, but nothing that is super painful.  Everyone keeps telling me that I will know when it is time.  I am hoping this week:-)

I couldn't resist shopping!

I can't wait to see him in this:-)