Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Still Growing!

Oh Hello Mason!!
OMG!  I am getting bigger and bigger.  My students keep telling me that I will probably have the baby soon because I am huge.  Oh what lovely little darlings I teach!  LOL!  Thank goodness there are 16 days left until summer break!!!  Mason loves to hang out in the lower part of my stomach, which makes me slightly uncomfortable.  I am finally starting to really feel the effects of pregnancy.  I hurt my back last week very badly.  I would like to say I was doing something exciting and adventurous, but no, I did it putting on my short.  LOL!  Between my regular backaches, my rib pain, and now this, it made for an excruciating week.  Thank goodness for Marc!  We had Bengay parties every night!  A Bengay party consists of me crying in pain while Marc rubs the stinky lotion all over my back every 20 minutes.  Marc blames kickboxing classes and high heels, but he doesn't know what he is talking about:-)  LOL!  Now that the new back pain is subsiding, I now have a new chronic pain in my hips when I sleep.  I was really hoping to coast through this, but Mason has other plans.  Even though I am whining and complaining, I am really enjoying this whole process.  I love feeling him move throughout my belly.  It is the strangest, yet coolest feeling ever!  Marc still hasn't felt him yet, but I don't think it will be long.  Mason is constantly jumping around in there, so it is only a matter of time.   

1 comment:

  1. Ok you crack me up!! Your students have always messed with you and only try to torture the teacher as much as possible! You look amazing! Screw the doctors, screw the students and anyone for that matter that is going to tell you anything expect that you are gorgeuous and that you are glowing!! I think I am with Marc on the back pain but I was just as stubborn so you rock them because you will give in eventually!! Love you!!
