Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Whoa Belly!!

My new diaper bag!

Thanks mommy and Jaime!  You are the best:-)

Another coworker, Liz, bought me these adorable gifts!  Her daughter signed the book!  Too cute:-)

Camille has spoiled Mason so much already!  THANK YOU!!!  I love the turtle stuff:-)

Official 22 Week Bump Shot
I want to wish all the beautiful moms a very special Mother's day!  I am so blessed to know such wonderful and caring moms.  We celebrated at my momma's house with baked ziti and meatballs. YUM!  I was not celebrating this year because I am only a "mom-in-training", but my family felt otherwise.  Penny got me a beautiful card!  LOL!  Thanks Marc:-)  And Marc made my favorite breakfast of Belgian waffles with strawberries and cool whip.  Mason was very happy!  My sister and my mom got me this really great diaper bag that I wanted from the spa where my mom works.  They surprised me with it on Sunday.  It is perfect and Marc-friendly too because of the colors.  I was also grateful for the gifts that I received from work too.  Words can't express how fortunate I am to have the most amazing people in my life.  I am 22 weeks along and feeling well.  I've noticed that I have more of an appetite lately and I am super tired, but not able to sleep through the night.  My body is preparing me for motherhood:-)  Mason weighs about a pound and has eyelashes and eyebrows.  I finally felt a kick on May 5, maybe he was celebrating Cinco de Mayo in my belly!  I screamed during my 1st period class, and my students looked concerned.  They thought I was going into labor because another teacher/friend just had her gorgeous baby the day before.  LOL!  No one but me has been able to feel it still.  My sister constantly shakes my belly, but that only makes me nauseous.  LOL!   Hopefully soon though!    

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