Monday, May 16, 2011

23 Weeks:-)

I could not resist shopping!  I am out of control:-)

Thanks Aunt Amelia!  I love those shoes!!!!  Mason is very lucky to have you in his life:-)

The Bed!
Marc and I finally made our best purchase as of yet, a new king sized bed!  It is awesome:-)  Between my growing size, Penny, and Marc, our queen sized bed left little room for us to be comfortable.  Now I can sleep without even seeing Marc or feeling Penny.  LOL!  Week 23 has been interesting.  It is crazy how things change so quickly each week.  Marc finally was able to feel Mason kick through my belly.  It was very exciting.  Marc has been grabbing my belly regularly, so we were beyond excited when Mason finally cooperated.  I feel him all the time now.  It is such an amazing experience.  I thought it might freak me out at first, but I love it!  It is our own personal little moments that we share.  I have more pressure in my lower abdomen lately and I feel more pain from my uterus stretching.  My little man is getting bigger.  Mason's face is totally formed by now, and fat is starting to fill in some areas.  We hope to get a 3D ultrasound in the next few weeks:-)  I am looking forward to the nesting period to begin because I really need to start organizing the nursery.  Thank goodness for having two months off:-) 

Brooklyn and I took an art class this weekend.  We had a lot of fun.  Painting is very therapeutic and relaxing.  We loved our work, but the teacher felt differently.  We were supposed to copy the painting that the art teacher was painting, but Brooklyn and I decided to go with what we felt and let our creativity flow.  Needless to say, our paintings were completely different than all the others.  Good thing I chose to be a teacher over an artist!  The teacher could not even say anything nice about our work.  LOL!  Either way we had fun and I plan on hanging my picture in the house.  Marc may not feel the same way:-)

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