Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bump Buddies

Andrea is 14 weeks and I am 20 weeks

All of the cousins hanging out!  Steven, Baby M, Mason, and Austin

OMG!  I am growing by the second:-)
I am so excited because not only do I get to become a mommy this fall, but I also get to become an auntie again!!  My beautiful sister-in-law Andrea is expecting Baby Mosseri just 6 weeks after Mason arrives!  It has been so great having someone to talk to about all the happenings going on in our bodies.  I love that Mason is going to have a cousin so close in age.  It stinks that they live in Tucson, but at least it is only a 2 hour car ride.  The best part is that I will still be on maternity leave when Baby M comes, so we can have baby playdates:-)  I am offcially 20 weeks along and half way through this pregnancy.  Mason is the size of a small cantaloupe measuring at 6.5 inches from crown to rump and weighing in at about 10 ounces.  I feel him constantly now jumping around in my belly, but still no kicks yet.  I feel him the most in the evening when I am lying down.  He loves pouncing on my bladder which makes for an interesting sensation than an emergency dash for the bathroom.  LOL!  Mason's taste buds are now fully working, so I need to watch what I eat.  According to some studies, babies respond best to foods that they have already had from the amniotic fluid.  That means no more pizza and ice cream and only fruits and veggies for the rest of this pregnancy!  Yeah right:-)  I knew Mason was a boy because of all the junk foods that I was craving!  LOL!  My next doctor's appointment is this Friday, April 29.  I will keep everyone updated.   

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Penny's 1st Birthday

Happy 1st Birthday my little princess! 4/19/11

Penny at her party with her best friends Abby and Gandhi

Check out her birthday dress:-)

My little Princess Penelope is 1 years old.  She has been such an amazing addition to our family.  She was the turning point in which Marc and I decided to start our own family.  Having a puppy proved to us that we were ready (or as ready as you can be) to become parents.  Little Mason will now join us in just a few short months!  We are so blessed to have such an amazing family and wonderful friends that have supported us throughout this pregnancy.  Mason is going to be one spoiled little boy.  He has already gotten so many presents.  Thank you to everyone!!!!

Thank you so much Bev and Camille, two amazing coworkers who are like family members, for the adorable outfits for Mason!

Thanks Aunt Michelle, Uncle Steve, Dani, and Jon!  You are extremely thoughtful and we appreciate all of your generosity!  XOXO

Aunt Brooklyn rocks! 

Grandma bought Mason the cutest clothes!  Thanks mommy!! We appreciate all that you do.  We love you!!! XOXO

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mason Richard Boileau

Marc could not resist buying Mason this Jedi outfit.  He is such a Star Wars geek, but I love him for it:-)

Party at our house!

Thanks Uncle David and Aunt Andrea!  I can't wait to find out about Baby M!

Carter's is my new favorite store:-)

I love the lion on the butt!!!

Thanks for the book Jodi!  I am going to add it to Mason's already growing collection!

Thanks Aunt Genny for the car seat toy.  This will come in handy when we come over for a visit:-)

Marc and I have finally chosen our little man's name.  He will be Mason Richard Boileau.  Mason is one of the few names that Marc and I agreed on and Richard is Marc's dad's (Grandpa's) name.  I love being able to call him by a name and go shopping for him!  It is all official now, we really are pregnant.  LOL!  We better start preparing for our precious little angel.  I am 19 weeks along and at the point where things are getting a little more difficult lately.  I have more back pain now and the excruciating uncomfortable feeling in my ribs has gotten worse.  I also think I have less energy now than I did in the first trimester.  I find myself requiring more naps to get through the days.  I thought this was the honeymoon stage???  I am done complaining because  I know that I can handle whatever this pregnancy brings.  It will all be worth it in the end.  On a positive note, Mason is now the size of a large mango.  He is measuring at about 6 inches and weighs about 8 ounces.  I feel little flutters in my belly every now and then, especially after I eat.  No official kicks yet, but a few questionable feelings in my belly.  Mason is able to hear our voices and Penny barking now.  Marc and I talk to him regularly:-)  I also want him to get used to our loud voices, which is not hard with my family (LOL!), so that he will sleep through anything when he is born.  I am so looking forward to meeting our son!        

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's a BOY-leau!

Cutest boy ever!!!

He wouldn't look at the camera, but he finally showed off his goods!
I love him so much already!

I love you Brooklyn!  Thanks for the wonderful surprise when we got home!
Turtle Time!  You know us so well!!!
Marc and I were beyond excited to find out that we are bringing a little, healthy baby boy into this world.  Look out ladies, he is GORGEOUS!  This may explain my raging hormones throughout this pregnancy.  My body is not used to all of this testosterone!  LOL:-)  He was bouncing and moving around in my belly like a little crazy person.  It was hard for the doctor to get a clear picture at times because he did not want to stay still.  I told Marc that we have a Penny in my belly because she never sits still either!  The doctor said that everything looks great and his heartbeat was beating at 143 beats per minute.  I can't wait to go shopping!!!!  I think it is about time that Marc and I clear out the spare bedroom and make room for our little man.  I plan on going with an island/beach theme for the nursery.  Marc and I got married on a beach and decided to get pregnant when we were on vacation visiting the beautiful island of Jamaica.  Now I can really start planning!  We are still debating over our son's name and we hope to come up with a decision as soon as possible.  I will keep you posted:-)      

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kuchen Day

The official chef!

Hanging with the ladies:-)

Delicious!  Thanks Taryn for all of your hard work!

The official taste tester:-)
I had such a fantastic day making kuchen (german sweet bread) on Saturday with my in-laws.  We had lots of good laughs and amazing food.  Thanks Genny for making my favorite, and so addicting Chex mix.  I am still munching on the leftovers at home.  Baby Boileau and I also have a new favorite chicken salad from Chuy's.  It was really great hanging out with the girls and I look forward to doing it again.  Marc was also very appreciative of the sweet bread from his childhood.  Just a few more hours until we find out the gender!  So excited!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Maternity Clothes Shopping

A true best friend:-)
Finding comfortable clothes to wear has been a challenge.  I am at the point where some of my clothes, jeans, shirts, and anything that requires a button, are no longer fitting me.  Yet I am still smaller than some maternity clothes.  I am extremely lucky to have Brooklyn help me find clothes to fit my changing figure.  Thank you for supporting me and being a shoulder to cry on when the realization of my growing size hits me:-)  I also appreciate your willingness to strap on a belly and feel what I feel.  I love you girlie!!!   


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

17 Weeks

Hello Baby!

I can't believe that I am already 17 weeks into this pregnancy.  I am so grateful that it has been fairly easy minus a few aches and pains.  I have finally gotten over this nasty flu that I have had for 2 weeks.  It was not fun, especially since I was unable to take anything but Tylenol and lots of vitamin C and it kind of ruined my spring break.  But at least I have gotten my appetite back, as you can see:-)  I am glad that I was able to rest and catch up on my shows (including my obsession with all the Real Housewives).  Next appointment is set for Tuesday, April 12, at 3:00.  I am beyond excited to find out the sex, as long as our little nugget cooperates and is in the right position!  

My other baby!