Thursday, February 24, 2011

Such a Great Day!

Last night was really rough for me because I wasn't feeling well, I had crazy, scary, vivid dreams, and then woke up at 3 AM and couldn't go back to bed.  Needless to say I was anticipating a horrible day at work.  When I got into my classroom, I had flowers, sweets, and presents! (Check out Edward Cullen behind the cake!  I am such a 12 year old at heart!) LOL!  My students made me pictures and sang Happy Birthday!  My birthday isn't even until tomorrow.  It made me completely forget about my bad night:-)  I am very grateful for such wonderful coworkers, students, and friends!  Noname got a gift too from "Mama Bear" Camille!  This is turning into a wonderful day after all.  I am looking forward to an exciting birthday weekend.  Thank you!


  1. Happy Birthday Jill!! You are looking great for a soon-to-be mom!! I'm so excited for you!!! :)) Kisses

  2. Happy Birthday!!!!!! That was soooo sweet of your kiddos!!!!!!!!!! You deserve it!!!!! About the crazy dream, they only get weirder and more intense. It's crazy what pregnancy does to the body AND mind. :) Hang in there. :)
