Friday, July 20, 2018

Coronado Day #5

We really just wanted to focus on as much beach time as possible, and our fifth day of vacation did not disappoint!  We went to our regular beach across the street and spent the entire day there.  The weather was perfect and so was our time together.  We got back to the hotel in the early evening because this reptile guy, what the hotel called him, was there showing off his pets.  The boys were very excited about this.  They each got to hold a tarantula!  We were also introduced to a legless lizard, a HUGE frog, some snakes, and these colorful beetles.   That beetles kind of freaked me out.  We ended the eveing with Moo Time, our favorite ice cream place. 

The bond these two have is incredible!  They can be the best of friends, fight like no other, but will fiercely protect one another!  These pictures, there were more of them, were taken over a span of 2 minutes!  So many reactions in such a short time!
This guy is going to go pro some day!

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