Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Coronado Day #2

Since I no longer know how to sleep in, I woke up early and decided to go for a 2.5 mile run along the beach.  The weather was gorgeous and my view while running was amazing.  When I got back to the hotel room, everyone was still sleeping, so I enjoyed my hot tea and book on our patio.  I finally woke everyone up after 9:00AM.  Apparently my kids turn into teenagers on vacation!  After breakfast, we spent the entire day at the beach.  We made sand castles, swam in the waves, searched for seashells, and relaxed all day!  It was the perfect way to start out our vacation.  Here are some highlights from Day 2.

My little beach bums ready to hit the waves.

We stay at the Glorietta Bay, which is a short walk across the street to the beach.

Trying to get an action shot of these three jumping at the same time was impossible.  So I settled for these pictures.  

My most favorite boys right here!

Watching the boys swim while I soak in the sun.

Such a fun day!

Our evening would not be complete without a stop at the Candy Factory for some Coronado Crunch!

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