Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Weekend Extravaganza

Our weekend was filled with dinner with Momma and Poppa, a visit to the zoo with Aunt Therese, Sunday brunch for Austin's birthday with the family, and bowling and video games at Dave and Busters. The highlight for the boys was bowling.  They had the best time and I can't wait to take them again!  We had a super busy, awesome weekend!

So obsessed with these cuties!

The giraffes are a favorite for all of us.

We enjoyed a picnic at the zoo.

Noah and Mason were excited to go on a pedal boat.  Dylan refused, but waved at us from the dock.

This is the first time Noah did not scream and cry in the petting zoo.  He even went up to a few of the goats and brushed their fur.  I was so proud of him!

Dylan is always gentle and sweet and brushes the fur of every animal in the petting zoo.  

The boys were excited to see the alligators.

This little guy ran in front of our feet at Monkey Village.  He was the cutest thing!

Thank goodness the twins did not realize the games are even cooler when you pay to play them!  I wonder how much longer we could get away with this.

Noah refused to take anymore pictures.

Austin teaching Noah how to bowl.

He wanted to keep pushing balls down the lane and not give anyone else a turn.

Mason was a natural!  He even stopped using the slide contraption after a bunch of times.

Dylan hoping for that strike!

Happy 20th birthday Austin!!!  We love you so much!

Such a fun weekend!

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