Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter 2016

We had a jam packed super fun Easter celebration.  We started the morning at church and then brunch at my mom's house.  We ate some amazing food, opened tons of Easter baskets, hunted for eggs, and had a great time.  We also had a few wardrobe changes so that the boys could play in the dirt and keep their Easter outfits somewhat clean.  Dylan was shy and quite whiny, but overall the boys had fun.  We spent the afternoon at PeePaw's house and ate more food and played with more toys.  It was a busy day, but I wouldn't have changed a thing!  Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!  This was one of the best pictures after taking thousands.  Poor Dylan does have his first (probably of many) shiners.  He is out of the crib now (Noah is still in a crib) and we can't figure out what happened while he was sleeping. He woke up crying the other morning after a loud thump came from the room.  His eye swelled up throughout the day and got perfectly black and blue just in time for Easter!  

 Mason and Jackson will be best friends forever!

 Dylan refused pictures at this point, but these two were adorable!
 So happy to find an egg, but the excitement wore off quickly and he was over hunting for eggs.
 The older boys were running around like crazy searching for eggs.

 Sebastian had fun too, but he wasn't as aggressive as Mason and Jackson.
 Dylan got in on the action as long as he was with Austin.

 Cracking confetti filled eggs on cousin David's head was a highlight of the day.


 Jackson was a natural with the bat!  He was hitting line drives.

 Mason finally got one good hit.

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