Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Visit to Momma and Poppa's House

I have been traveling quite a bit lately for work.  Momma and Poppa decided to take Mason for a few days to help Marc out while I was in California.  Mason had the best time and keeps asking when he gets to visit again, by himself.  Momma and Poppa take the best care of him and spoil him rotten!  He enjoys the one-on-one time and I don't blame him.  When I was younger I loved the alone time with them.  I decided to play hooky when I came home from my trip and spent the day with all the boys at Momma and Poppa's house.  We had a great time running around and eating all kinds of amazing food!  These kinds of days are my favorite!

I think these two are the twins sometimes.

My boys love racing each other and chance they get.

Noah is my little gardener.

All kids love watering the plants in the backyard.

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