Friday, March 4, 2016

Sea Life Aquarium

We took the kids to the Arizona Mills Mall for a visit to the Sea Life Aquarium.  The aquarium was super crowded, which made it challenging to get around, but the kids had a blast.  At first, Noah and Dylan were hesitant and even stayed in their stroller.  Once they saw all of the awesome sea life creatures, then they were running around and we couldn't contain them.  We will definitely visit this aquarium again, but probably not on a weekend when everyone else is there.

Mason is ready to dive in!

These two were not excited about this adventure at first.  This picture was taken prior to the meltdown.

All smiles now!

Mason loved going around each section and finding the answers for his passport, and then giving himself a stamp.

The boys loved watching the sea turtles and sting rays through the glass bottom floor.

Time for a stamp!

After the aquarium, we decided to walk around the mall.  Mason was very excited when we came across a Storm Trooper at the Disney Store.

Our plan was to eat lunch at the Rainforest Cafe.  Unfortunately, we did not make reservations and they were jam packed.  We promised the kids that we will definitely make another visit here soon.

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