Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Family Vacation: Day 4

Today we decided to leave Coronado and head over to Pacific Beach. The weather was cold and overcast, but we enjoyed walking along the boardwalk. We ate delicious fish tacos at the Shore House thanks to Brooklyn. And then we ate ice cream sandwiches from freshly baked cookies of our choice at The Baked Bear thanks to Taryn.  It was a fun excursion.

We all decided to go to dinner at Brigantine. It was a delicious seafood restaurant. Mason was the best behaved little boy. Poppa says that he is setting the bar high for the twins. We have high expectations for them:) Mason was cracking himself up throughout dinner. He would growl and make funny hand movements, and then start laughing hysterically. We all enjoyed the sweet sounds of his giggles. After dinner, we walked to the beach and played with these light sling shot contraptions that Momma bought for the kids (Marc was the most excited:). Mason had a blast, and we did too watching his excitement.

Looking forward to breakfast with Shamu tomorrow!

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