Sunday, July 21, 2013

2nd Annual Coronado Vacation: Day 1

Last year, Marc, Mason, and I took our first family vacation to Coronado in San Diego. We instantly fell in love with this island and decided to make it a yearly tradition. This year we added Momma, Poppa, Jaime, Austin, and Steven. Our 6 hour drive was quite stressful because of torrential rain. You couldn't see two feet in front of you! It was scary, but Mason was extremely happy. He loved watching the rain. He also enjoyed watching the movie Cars over and over.  I was so impressed with how amazing my little guy was being in the car for so many hours.  Once we got to Coronado, the rain stopped so that we could enjoy our first evening. We walked to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Miguel's, and enjoyed margaritas (everyone but me and the kids) and calamari burritos. After dinner, we headed to the beach.  Mason did not like the sand again and refused to walk on it. Auntie Jaime helped to change his mind and before we knew it, he was loving the sand and the freezing cold water. On the way back to our hotel, we stopped and had Moo Time ice cream.  It was so amazing and will perhaps become a nightly ritual:) After swimming in the heated pool, it was time or us to head in for the night.  We have thoroughly enjoyed our first day and can't wait for more fun times ahead!

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