Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sunday Fun Day at the Zoo

On Sunday, my boys and I spent the afternoon at the zoo.  We met up with some friends which always makes a good time even better:)  We all enjoyed the delicious kettle corn ( a little too much:) and of course all of the animals.  We look forward to spending many more days at the zoo, especially before it gets to be 200 billion degrees (okay 110 degrees, but it feels the same!).

Mason loved the goats in the petting zoo.  He did not want to leave this area.

"Mom, can we take this one home?"

They both look guilty!

Mason may just want to be a farmer when he grows up.  He really enjoyed this tractor!

Move out of my way!

As long as there is a steering wheel, Mason will play with it:)

Getting tired after a long day.

My little guy now enjoys watching the animals!  He is growing up so fast.

I love watching Mason and Marc together!

He loves his daddy soooooo much!


Mason has such an obsession with chairs!

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