Wednesday, March 13, 2013

18 Month Check Up

Mason had his 18 month well check visit with the doctor this week.  Dr. Curley's words were, "Mason is doing excellent.  He is ahead of the game.  He is doing things that we look for at the 2 year old visit."  That's my boy! He's already an overachiever:)  Mason continues to be in the 85th percentile for head size, weight (27.5 pounds), and height (33 1/2 inches tall).  The entire visit wasn't all perfect though.  When we first stepped foot into the building, Mason went into melt down mode.  He is very familiar with this building and sure as heck did not want to be there.  As we trudged down the hallway, the tears started falling and my little boy was trying to squirm his way out of my arms and run in the other direction.  He even freaked out when we put him on the scale!  After the nurse checked his vitals, then he finally calmed down.  I brought along VocabuLarry and he was perfect the rest of the visit.  LOL!  That video is coming with me every time now.  The doctor explained that all of his new behaviors (tantrums, not eating as well, refusing naps, sudden shyness, etc.) are completely normal for his age.  My little guy is acting like a typical toddler.  I am kind of looking forward to him growing out of this stage, but I think it is only going to get worse before it gets better:)

Here are some recent pictures of my little 18 month old!
Taking a break from cooking:)

Mason loves the Splash Pad, unfortunately he has to wait until it gets a little warmer.

For now, he is content staring at the water from a distance.

Check me out!

"Ooohh!  I like these sparkly shoes!"

Mason's new favorite seat in the house.

"I'll get it for you Mom!"

"I crack myself up!"

"I will have some milk please.  It does a body good!"

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