Monday, March 25, 2013

Mason and Jackson Time

This weekend Andrea and Jackson came up to Phoenix to visit.  We had a beautiful baby shower for my cousin Nicole who is expecting Sebastian in May!  We are all super excited to have a little baby around again, especially since our babies are now big toddlers!  It was a great weekend hanging out with the family:)  Mason and Jackson even took pictures with the Easter bunny.  Jackson enjoyed her, but Mason on the other hand had a huge meltdown as his turn approached.  He finally stopped crying long enough for us to get some pictures. 

Mason did not trust that bunny!

My battery was not charged, so this is the only picture I got from the baby shower:(  Thank you Marc for making the tasty caramels that everyone enjoyed!

Mason <3 Momma!

Mason missed his Auntie Andrea and cousin Jackson.

Jackson does not need the candy in the Easter basket, just the basket itself:)

Lots of smiles before the bunny:)

"OMG!  Did you see that scary Easter Bunny??!!!"

"Come play with me Jackson!"

The Barnes & Noble kid area was awesome!

Looking smooth in Mommy's sunglasses!

I love that sweet face!

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