Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mason's First Baseball Game (Kind of:-)


Cutest little boy!!!!

On Friday night, Marc, Chris, Rosanna, and I went to a Diamondback's game.  We ate at Marc's favorite restaurant, Cici's (yuck!).  I am not a huge baseball fan at all, but it was fun hanging out with good friends and Chris and Rosanna's little angel, Nicholas (Mason's future BFF).  He was so adorable and extremely well behaved.  I hope Mason takes after him.  The best part of the game was the fireworks display at the end.  LOL!  Nicholas was in awe and a little frightened when there were loud booms.  Mason was jumping around in my belly and kicking like crazy!  I can't wait to see his actual reaction to fireworks:-)  We all had a really great time!  Thanks Rosanna for helping me register as well!  I could not have done that without the help of a professional mom.  I am very blessed to have you in my life.  XOXO

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