Sunday, May 1, 2011

21 Weeks

Mason may be my future poker player:-)
 I could not resist buying this onesie for Mason.  It was too perfect!  My doctor's appointment went great on Friday.  My mom was able to meet my doctor and we got to sit and ask all kinds of questions.  I am 21 weeks and time is flying by so quickly.  Mason's heartbeat was at 147 beats per minute.  The nurse had a hard time getting an accurate reading at first because Mason was bouncing from side to side.  He is going to be a wild child:-)  He finally cooperated for about a minute.  I feel him constantly now, but still no official kicks.  He loves to use my bladder as a trampoline!  LOL!  The baby and I are very healthy and everything is moving along smoothly!
Jaime and I enjoying tea at the Mother/Daughter Tea

Aunt Monica and Momma were our "moms"
On Saturday morning, Jaime, Monica, Momma, and I went to a Mother/Daughter tea.  (Some might think I am English with the amount of tea I drink:-)  My mom could not come because she had to work, so Monica and Momma were our moms for the day.  We had a lovely time and ate some delicious food.  Momma's biscotti was of course the best!  Mason is always happy and satisfied after I eat Momma's food:-)

1 comment:

  1. Love that shirt! Mason will look ADORABLE in it!!!! :)
