Tuesday, May 24, 2011

24 Weeks

This pregnancy is flying by.  I can't believe that I am at 24 weeks already!  At my doctor's appointment yesterday, the doctor said everything looks great.  I am measuring where I am supposed to be and Mason's heartbeat was 139 beats per minute.  He wasn't very active yesterday during my visit.  He was chilling on my bladder the entire afternoon.  LOL!  I only gained 1 pound in 4 weeks!  I was very happy about that because I feel like I have been gaining like crazy.  I had to lose the mentality that I am pregnant and can eat what I want, and it will be easier to lose the weight after.  Now I am waiting for that nesting period because I really need to get started on the nursery:-)

1 comment:

  1. You look beautiful! All belly girly! I can't wait to see the nursery when it is finished!
