Tuesday, May 24, 2011

24 Weeks

This pregnancy is flying by.  I can't believe that I am at 24 weeks already!  At my doctor's appointment yesterday, the doctor said everything looks great.  I am measuring where I am supposed to be and Mason's heartbeat was 139 beats per minute.  He wasn't very active yesterday during my visit.  He was chilling on my bladder the entire afternoon.  LOL!  I only gained 1 pound in 4 weeks!  I was very happy about that because I feel like I have been gaining like crazy.  I had to lose the mentality that I am pregnant and can eat what I want, and it will be easier to lose the weight after.  Now I am waiting for that nesting period because I really need to get started on the nursery:-)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mason's First Baseball Game (Kind of:-)


Cutest little boy!!!!

On Friday night, Marc, Chris, Rosanna, and I went to a Diamondback's game.  We ate at Marc's favorite restaurant, Cici's (yuck!).  I am not a huge baseball fan at all, but it was fun hanging out with good friends and Chris and Rosanna's little angel, Nicholas (Mason's future BFF).  He was so adorable and extremely well behaved.  I hope Mason takes after him.  The best part of the game was the fireworks display at the end.  LOL!  Nicholas was in awe and a little frightened when there were loud booms.  Mason was jumping around in my belly and kicking like crazy!  I can't wait to see his actual reaction to fireworks:-)  We all had a really great time!  Thanks Rosanna for helping me register as well!  I could not have done that without the help of a professional mom.  I am very blessed to have you in my life.  XOXO

Monday, May 16, 2011

23 Weeks:-)

I could not resist shopping!  I am out of control:-)

Thanks Aunt Amelia!  I love those shoes!!!!  Mason is very lucky to have you in his life:-)

The Bed!
Marc and I finally made our best purchase as of yet, a new king sized bed!  It is awesome:-)  Between my growing size, Penny, and Marc, our queen sized bed left little room for us to be comfortable.  Now I can sleep without even seeing Marc or feeling Penny.  LOL!  Week 23 has been interesting.  It is crazy how things change so quickly each week.  Marc finally was able to feel Mason kick through my belly.  It was very exciting.  Marc has been grabbing my belly regularly, so we were beyond excited when Mason finally cooperated.  I feel him all the time now.  It is such an amazing experience.  I thought it might freak me out at first, but I love it!  It is our own personal little moments that we share.  I have more pressure in my lower abdomen lately and I feel more pain from my uterus stretching.  My little man is getting bigger.  Mason's face is totally formed by now, and fat is starting to fill in some areas.  We hope to get a 3D ultrasound in the next few weeks:-)  I am looking forward to the nesting period to begin because I really need to start organizing the nursery.  Thank goodness for having two months off:-) 

Brooklyn and I took an art class this weekend.  We had a lot of fun.  Painting is very therapeutic and relaxing.  We loved our work, but the teacher felt differently.  We were supposed to copy the painting that the art teacher was painting, but Brooklyn and I decided to go with what we felt and let our creativity flow.  Needless to say, our paintings were completely different than all the others.  Good thing I chose to be a teacher over an artist!  The teacher could not even say anything nice about our work.  LOL!  Either way we had fun and I plan on hanging my picture in the house.  Marc may not feel the same way:-)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Whoa Belly!!

My new diaper bag!

Thanks mommy and Jaime!  You are the best:-)

Another coworker, Liz, bought me these adorable gifts!  Her daughter signed the book!  Too cute:-)

Camille has spoiled Mason so much already!  THANK YOU!!!  I love the turtle stuff:-)

Official 22 Week Bump Shot
I want to wish all the beautiful moms a very special Mother's day!  I am so blessed to know such wonderful and caring moms.  We celebrated at my momma's house with baked ziti and meatballs. YUM!  I was not celebrating this year because I am only a "mom-in-training", but my family felt otherwise.  Penny got me a beautiful card!  LOL!  Thanks Marc:-)  And Marc made my favorite breakfast of Belgian waffles with strawberries and cool whip.  Mason was very happy!  My sister and my mom got me this really great diaper bag that I wanted from the spa where my mom works.  They surprised me with it on Sunday.  It is perfect and Marc-friendly too because of the colors.  I was also grateful for the gifts that I received from work too.  Words can't express how fortunate I am to have the most amazing people in my life.  I am 22 weeks along and feeling well.  I've noticed that I have more of an appetite lately and I am super tired, but not able to sleep through the night.  My body is preparing me for motherhood:-)  Mason weighs about a pound and has eyelashes and eyebrows.  I finally felt a kick on May 5, maybe he was celebrating Cinco de Mayo in my belly!  I screamed during my 1st period class, and my students looked concerned.  They thought I was going into labor because another teacher/friend just had her gorgeous baby the day before.  LOL!  No one but me has been able to feel it still.  My sister constantly shakes my belly, but that only makes me nauseous.  LOL!   Hopefully soon though!    

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Still Growing!

Oh Hello Mason!!
OMG!  I am getting bigger and bigger.  My students keep telling me that I will probably have the baby soon because I am huge.  Oh what lovely little darlings I teach!  LOL!  Thank goodness there are 16 days left until summer break!!!  Mason loves to hang out in the lower part of my stomach, which makes me slightly uncomfortable.  I am finally starting to really feel the effects of pregnancy.  I hurt my back last week very badly.  I would like to say I was doing something exciting and adventurous, but no, I did it putting on my short.  LOL!  Between my regular backaches, my rib pain, and now this, it made for an excruciating week.  Thank goodness for Marc!  We had Bengay parties every night!  A Bengay party consists of me crying in pain while Marc rubs the stinky lotion all over my back every 20 minutes.  Marc blames kickboxing classes and high heels, but he doesn't know what he is talking about:-)  LOL!  Now that the new back pain is subsiding, I now have a new chronic pain in my hips when I sleep.  I was really hoping to coast through this, but Mason has other plans.  Even though I am whining and complaining, I am really enjoying this whole process.  I love feeling him move throughout my belly.  It is the strangest, yet coolest feeling ever!  Marc still hasn't felt him yet, but I don't think it will be long.  Mason is constantly jumping around in there, so it is only a matter of time.   

Monday, May 2, 2011

Amazing Coworkers

I love this!!!

I am so blessed to work with such kind and caring people.  Each week I come home with gorgeous little gifts for Mason.  This adorable outfit is from Mary Jo, a coworker and friend.  Thank you so much!  Mason is going to look amazing in this.  The best part is that I saw it at a store this weekend, and stopped myself from buying it.  Mainly because I have a shopping problem and can't stop buying everything already.  I am so excited that I got the outfit I wanted!  I really apreciate your kindness and generosity, and the amazing treats you make as well:-)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

21 Weeks

Mason may be my future poker player:-)
 I could not resist buying this onesie for Mason.  It was too perfect!  My doctor's appointment went great on Friday.  My mom was able to meet my doctor and we got to sit and ask all kinds of questions.  I am 21 weeks and time is flying by so quickly.  Mason's heartbeat was at 147 beats per minute.  The nurse had a hard time getting an accurate reading at first because Mason was bouncing from side to side.  He is going to be a wild child:-)  He finally cooperated for about a minute.  I feel him constantly now, but still no official kicks.  He loves to use my bladder as a trampoline!  LOL!  The baby and I are very healthy and everything is moving along smoothly!
Jaime and I enjoying tea at the Mother/Daughter Tea

Aunt Monica and Momma were our "moms"
On Saturday morning, Jaime, Monica, Momma, and I went to a Mother/Daughter tea.  (Some might think I am English with the amount of tea I drink:-)  My mom could not come because she had to work, so Monica and Momma were our moms for the day.  We had a lovely time and ate some delicious food.  Momma's biscotti was of course the best!  Mason is always happy and satisfied after I eat Momma's food:-)