Friday, July 20, 2018

Coronado Day #3

After my morning run, I woke everyone up again.  We decided to start our day walking a few blocks to our favorite park on the island.  My desert boys (myself included) were too cold to go swimming, so we burned some energy at the park.  After lunch, we decided to suck it up and head out to the beach, even though it was a little colder than usual.  I was so glad we did!  That afternoon we saw dolphins (we actually saw them every day!), made more sand castles, swam our little hearts out, and dug for crabs.  The boys wanted to take the crabs home as new pets, but we convinced them they needed to live in the ocean and we would visit them next year.

Noah insisted on swinging in the baby swing.  

And Dylan insisted on pushing him.

I was way too cold to get in the water, so my favorite man sat with me while the kids played in the waves.

Living that beach life!

Marc got suckered in to going in the water!

These group of boys next to us found about 20 crabs.  Noah was eager to hold the little guy, me, not so much!

Marc was determined to find our own crabs as you can see him and the other boys searching the sand in the background.

Making sand castles!

My boys were very excited about the crab they found.

Mason and Dylan from Jill Boileau on Vimeo.

Mason was definitely a little scared holding the crab!  LOL!

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