Wednesday, March 29, 2017

First Day of School

It is official, my babies are all grown up!  This week they had their very first day of preschool.  Every morning when I drop them off at Patty's house, they beg me to go to school like Mason.  So we did a trial day to check out the school and see how the boys behaved.  I was expecting tears and lots of clinging to me and not letting me leave the classroom.  Well that did not happen at all!  They were a little shy for the first ten seconds until Noah discovered the puzzles on the shelf. The twins LOVE puzzles.  They both sat down at a table with a group of kids and worked on the puzzles. When I went to kiss them goodbye, they barely looked up and waved me off without even acknowledging me. No hugs, kisses, love, tears, or anything!  Naturally I cried when I got in the car.  I waited until lunch time to call and check in on them, yes I am "that" mom, and got the best report from their teacher, Ms. Keke.  She was surprised that they have never been in school before because they followed directions and were extremely well behaved, even Noah!  I am so proud of my boys.  This school has the coolest playground and that was their favorite part of the day.  My favorite part of the day was when the director sent me these pictures of my boys having fun.  Clearly these little guys are more than ready to start school in the fall.  Where did the time go?!

Not only was the playground awesome, but there were tons of bikes for them to play with too.

My sweet Dylan!

Working on their art project of masks from a book they read.

They were so proud of their masterpieces.  

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