Sunday, March 12, 2017

Christmas in March?

Life has just gotten the best of me which is the reason for neglecting this blog.  My New Year's resolution was to post at least four segments a month.  Seeing as though the year isn't over yet, I still have time to make good on that resolution.  These next few entries will include some blasts from 2016 past, starting with Christmas!  These pictures include our trip to the Polar Express, Christmas Eve and Christmas morning.

Our annual tradition (since I was a little girl) of making cookies with Momma.

The boys and I made our very first gingerbread house.  I helped with the details, but they designed the house.

This is another tradition of ours that the kids love.  Every year since the twins were born, we watch Santa fly in on a helicopter at the Deer Valley Airport.  The kids enjoy watching Santa wave at them from the sky.

 All aboard the Polar Express!

My favorite tradition is decorating our Christmas tree.

 Christmas Eve dinner is my absolute favorite!  These are just some of the appetizers, and the picture doesn't do it justice, but imagine shellfish and pasta for days.  YUM!

 Penny loves opening presents too!

We have so many traditions at Christmas and I love that the boys are now old enough to enjoy every one of them.  We are very blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful family and friends!

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