Sunday, August 21, 2016

Mason is a Kindergartener

Mason has officially started kindergarten.  The first week was harder on me than for this little guy.  I was very proud at how brave he was.  He even loves taking the bus twice a week.  I still tear up when he walks up the steps to the bus and waves good bye.  Where did the time go?!?  Academically, Mason is excelling and doing fantastic.  He continues to get better at reading and writing and loves doing homework.  Hopefully he will still love it in a few years from now.

Unfortunately, the second week was not as great for Mason.  He is definitely going through an adjustment period and exhibiting some disruptive behaviors that we have never experienced with him.  I think the big school is a bit overwhelming for him.  Thank goodness he had a great day on Friday, according to his teacher. Let's hope he continues to be the great kid that we know he can be.

These guys wanted to go to school with Mason.  

Waiting for the bus.

Our next door neighbor is in 6th grade this year.  He is the sweetest kid and helps Mason know when to get on and off.  We are very fortunate!

That backpack is bigger than him!

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