Sunday, August 28, 2016

A Day at the Zoo

This morning we woke up and decided to have breakfast in the car and head to the zoo.  The weather has been somewhat cooler in the mornings and we wanted to enjoy some time outside before it got too hot.  I am so glad we did!  We were able to see so many animals up close and personal.  We had an awesome morning walking around the Phoenix Zoo.

My favorites!

A trip to the zoo must always include feeding the giraffes.

This was the most active we have ever seen the lion.  Dylan was excited that the lion was looking at him.

My three little monkeys!

Dylan and Mason rode the camel.  Noah got scared at the last second.

Mason was very protective over his little brother.

Noah was brave enough to pet the camel after the boys had their ride.

Mason was in charge of the map and helping us find our way.

When did my first baby grow up so fast?!

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