Sunday, August 28, 2016

A Day at the Zoo

This morning we woke up and decided to have breakfast in the car and head to the zoo.  The weather has been somewhat cooler in the mornings and we wanted to enjoy some time outside before it got too hot.  I am so glad we did!  We were able to see so many animals up close and personal.  We had an awesome morning walking around the Phoenix Zoo.

My favorites!

A trip to the zoo must always include feeding the giraffes.

This was the most active we have ever seen the lion.  Dylan was excited that the lion was looking at him.

My three little monkeys!

Dylan and Mason rode the camel.  Noah got scared at the last second.

Mason was very protective over his little brother.

Noah was brave enough to pet the camel after the boys had their ride.

Mason was in charge of the map and helping us find our way.

When did my first baby grow up so fast?!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Mason is a Kindergartener

Mason has officially started kindergarten.  The first week was harder on me than for this little guy.  I was very proud at how brave he was.  He even loves taking the bus twice a week.  I still tear up when he walks up the steps to the bus and waves good bye.  Where did the time go?!?  Academically, Mason is excelling and doing fantastic.  He continues to get better at reading and writing and loves doing homework.  Hopefully he will still love it in a few years from now.

Unfortunately, the second week was not as great for Mason.  He is definitely going through an adjustment period and exhibiting some disruptive behaviors that we have never experienced with him.  I think the big school is a bit overwhelming for him.  Thank goodness he had a great day on Friday, according to his teacher. Let's hope he continues to be the great kid that we know he can be.

These guys wanted to go to school with Mason.  

Waiting for the bus.

Our next door neighbor is in 6th grade this year.  He is the sweetest kid and helps Mason know when to get on and off.  We are very fortunate!

That backpack is bigger than him!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Happy 85th Birthday Poppa!

Happy birthday to the most caring, loving, amazing man!  You are a fantastic role model to my boys and we admire you more than I can describe in words.  We look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with you!  Thank you for a fantastic evening, even if we weren't all crazy about the food.

Momma and the original twins.

All the great-grand boys including Baby Boy Mosseri due in October.  

Poppa and the boys.

The grand kids, sadly missing Jason and Jeffrey in New York.

My beautiful Momma and mommy!

All the kids slept at Auntie's house the evening of the party, which meant Marc and I had a kid free night!  We had a birthday brunch the next morning to celebrate some more.  Such a great weekend filled with family!

This picture was taken today.  Momma and I were in the kitchen and the boys were really quiet.  Usually that means they are up to no good.  When I walked into the living room, I found all three boys using Poppa as a jungle gym watching Sophia the First on the Disney channel.  All kids were happy and Poppa's face was priceless.  This man would do anything for every one of us, including watching cartoons with my boys!  We love you Poppa!