Sunday, April 17, 2016

School Pictures

My little man is growing up way too fast for me.  He is officially graduating from pre-k on May 20th and they took graduation pictures at school.  He has matured so much in this past year.  Here are a few things that Mason has learned in school:

  • Writes every letter of the alphabet and sounds out letters when he is writing sentences.  
  • Reads!  He is recognizing sight words and has memorized books that he reads to his brothers.  I spelled out train park to Marc because we were deciding if we should go or not, and Mason says, "Yes, I want to go to the train park!" 
  • Mason knows the flags of many different countries and names the important landmarks.  In church one morning they showed a picture of the Sistine Chapel and he told me that Michelangelo painted that!
  • He counts to ten in Spanish and Swahili.
  • He knows which regions of the world certain animals come from.
  • He can name all seven continents.
  • He sings the National Anthem!
  • He uses words like male and female.
  • And so much more!  
I fall more in love with this little guy every day!

Cue tears now!!!!  I have been crying over him starting kindergarten.  I can't imagine what I will be like when he graduates high school.

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