Saturday, April 30, 2016

Catching Up

My posts have been few and far between lately.  Sometimes life takes over and I don't know where the time goes.  Here are some pictures from a few weeks ago.  I am in the process of editing a bunch more, but I figured I would share the few I have of my boys.

A rare moment when Noah is sitting still.

I can't stop laughing every time I look at this picture!  This is the usual reaction I get when I take out the camera.

Sometimes Dylan just isn't in the mood for a hug.

Mason loves his beard and mustache pictures.

The boys love all sticker projects that we do.

They also love all things related to Toy Story.  The twins are obsessed with "ma-tato head".  We have every kind of Mr. Potato Head character out there, including the Star Wars character ones.

My sweet Penny celebrated her 6th birthday on April 19th.  Even at her age, she continues to act like a playful puppy who lets her brothers torture her.  Love her so much!

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