Monday, June 15, 2015

First Camping Trip with Daddy

Marc took Mason to Cyclone Lake last weekend. Mason was super excited! He couldn't wait to go fishing, hiking, make a fire, and sleep in a tent. Marc was super excited to have this bonding experience with Mason. Mason had the best weekend ever and can't wait to go camping again! Marc did not want to take our good camera, so these pictures were all taken from his phone. Next year, Marc can take all 3 boys while I hang out at the spa!

Mason caught two fish, but refused to touch them! Lol! He took second place in the fishing contest. I was so proud of him.

It was cold up north.

He is a natural!

His face cracks me up!

Their home for the weekend.

The amazing view of Cyclone Lake. Marc and I were last here when I was pregnant with Mason.

Roasting marshmallows, but he wouldn't eat them! Lol!

There was no service at the lake at all. Marc had to hike up a hill to this garbage dump to get some reception. We only talked for five minutes the whole time they were gone. It was so hard for me!!!

Mason picked this flower for me! Such a sweet boy!

Sleeping soundly in his sleeping bag on the air mattress.

I got to spend the weekend with these monkeys. They loved chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, naked swimming at Momma's house (pictures to follow), and spending quality time playing around the house.

Our TV went out from the thunderstorm, so I had to improvise in order to give them their Mickey fix.

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