Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Easter 2015

We celebrated Easter at my mom's house on Sunday morning with a delicious brunch. We had all the boys together and it was chaotic, crazy, and just the way we love it!
Getting ready for the egg hunt. Mason and Jackson were competitive, and Sebastian was fine doing his own thing.

I love this face!
Noah and Sebastian played great together.

Steven photo bombing what could have been an adorable picture of Dylan and Auntie Jaime

Noah ate all day long. He was very happy sitting on someone's lap and munching on food.
Dylan is my little ham! He LOVES the camera!

Dylan enjoyed collecting eggs and putting them in the bucket, just like the big kids.

Really mom, more pictures?!? Noah's face cracks me up.
Dylan loves to copy Mason and do whatever he does. Too cute! 
Noah eating again! Lol! I don't blame him, there was a lot of good food.
These two adore each other!
Boys love dirt!
We had Easter dinner at our house. 
My boys love their grandpa! 
We finished dinner early so we decided to decorate our eggs, finally. We have been a little busy lately.
Aunt Therese, Mason, and Daddy decorated the coolest eggs!  Happy Easter!

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