Saturday, October 25, 2014

11 Months

My babies are 11 months old today!

Even though these two were in my belly at the same time, they have so many differences and only a few similarities. They were just roommates renting space in my stomach for nine months.

-  They are both obsessed with music. If they are cranky, all you need to do is sing a song or put music on, and they instantly stop being fussy. The Itsy Bitsy Spider usually works flawlessly!

-  Their favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We call it their crack! The second they hear the music for the show start, they are both glued to the TV. 

-  They are both experts at blowing raspberries on bare skin. They even try to do it to Penny! 

-  They love to eat! Not always the same foods, but they are happy when it is meal time. They both love Momma's minestrone soup, graham crackers, Momma's lentil soup, my parsnip mash, and jarred baby food.

-  They are very excited when they are in their walkers. Poor Penny has no where to hide. They are crazy drivers! They follow each other into tight spots, pull the dish towels off the rack, and run over everyone's feet. Dylan (aka Incredible Hulk) carries Mason around on the walker. He pulls an extra 33 pounds like it's no big deal! 

-  If you ask the boys, "How big are you?" They put both hands up in the air. Soooooo big! They also clap their hands and play peek-a-boo. Dylan covers his face with a blanket, and Noah covers his with his hands.

-  They both love everyone. Since they were born there has been a village taking care of them. They enjoy being around the family.

-  5 teeth
- Curly hair
-  Talks up a storm! His first word was light. He points to it and says light. He even speaks his own language. 
-  A picky eater. It takes him a few tries before he admits to liking a food. 
-  Copies everything. He mimicks almost anything such as coughing, snapping fingers, clapping hands, and all kinds of words. 
-  Noah is very chill and relaxed. He can stay in the high chair and be very content after a meal. He can also chill in the stroller at a restaurant and fall asleep. 
-  Obsessed with necklaces. He can sit in someone's lap and chill out for a long time as long as he can play with their necklace. 
-  Noah has the sweetest, funniest laugh I've ever heard come out of a baby. But he is always laughing and smiling, so I call him my little, jolly Santa Claus! His laugh is infectious!

-  7 teeth and counting
-  Straight hair with a slight wave
-  The strongest baby ever! We've been calling him Hulk since he was born. (He was Arnold in my belly)
-  Loves food more than anything! Food always puts him in a better mood. He specifically likes: puffs, graham crackers, peas, oranges, bread, and bananas. He will eat and try anything. Even if he dislikes a certain food, he still continues to eat it, but will make a funny face while doing it. 
-  Does not like to sit still, unless in a moving car or stroller. After Dylan is done eating, he is ready to get out of the high chair. He does not like being confined to the playpen, unless we give him food or Mickey. He has been cruising around furniture for months, and has even taken a few steps here and there. Dylan is not officially walking yet, but I think it will happen soon. I am not looking forward to the day that he starts walking. He will want to go everywhere!
-  Dylan's first word was uh-oh. He drops his bottle, stares at the ground and says uh-oh. 
-  Loves water! In the bath, Dylan splashes it all over. He even tries to dunk his head under. He has the biggest smile whenever I wash his hands. Water makes him happy.
-  Puts everything in his mouth! EVERYTHING!!! I think he has been teething since he was born.

Even though these guys are twins, they both have different character/personality traits. I adore them both equally and love how they feed off each other. I am truly blessed!!!

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