Friday, September 19, 2014

Proud Mommy

The many faces of Mason!

I feel like all I am doing lately is disciplining Mason and dealing with his epic crying tantrums. Welcome to the world of dealing with a three year old. Mason was always such a well behaved baby and toddler, so this has definitely been an adjustment. He is still my sweet, loving, adorable little boy most of the time, so it is not fun dealing with these new personality traits. I think I lose my patience a little too easily at times and I have to understand that he is only three years old. He has had some major life changes in the past year and he is learning to adjust to this crazy world.

With that all being said, I am beyond proud of this little guy. It all started on his third birthday. Mason has been attached to his pacifier since he was born. No judging! Since he was one year old, we only allowed him to use it when he was sleeping. For the last few months we've been telling Mason that there is no more pacifier after his third birthday. Mason seemed almost excited about it. He kept telling us that he is going to throw it in the garbage. We even had a countdown of how many days left until the pacifier goes away. When the day finally came, I was not surprised that Mason started to tear up when it was time to get rid of the pacifier. I was surprised though when through the tears, Mason told us he was ready to throw it in the garbage. We walked outside to the big garbage can, he kissed the pacifier, and then threw it in the garbage like a big boy. I could not believe this was my child! I have been so focused on his negative behaviors that I almost missed how much he had matured. I know lots of people are very judgmental about pacifiers and may not think that this is a big deal, but he parted with something that he had been so close to for the past three years. 

Not only did he get rid of the pacifier, but he is well on his way to being potty trained. (Again no judging!) FINALLY!!! He still wears a diaper during naps, at night, and long car rides, but has barely had any accidents! For some unknown reason, Mason has always had anxiety about public restrooms. He hated the sound of flushing toilets. This has made for some stressful diaper changes over the years. After today, my big guy has now even gone potty in public. I can't even express how proud I am of him. Now if we can only get him to understand that his brothers are still babies and he can't wrestle with them! I love this little man so much! Mason is going to be an amazing role model to his brothers and I am super excited for what the future holds for him.

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