Thursday, September 25, 2014

10 Months

Happy 10 Months!

These calendar pictures get more and more difficult each month!

Nurse Jackie and AJ (Dylan's physical therapist) came to visit this week.  I was surprised by how much these boys have grown in just a little less than a month.  Noah weighs 22.4 pounds (80th percentile) and is 28 1/2 inches (50th percentile) tall.  Dylan is 23.2 pounds (90th percentile) and 29 1/2 inches (80th percentile) tall.  It is crazy that they started out on premie charts!  Dylan graduated from physical therapy and no longer requires any services.  Nurse Jackie also told us that he is advanced with his movement and fine motor skills.  Dylan pulls himself to a standing position, cruises around the furniture, goes from lying down to sitting up, and even took his first step alone!  This guy has been wanting to run since we took him home from the hospital.  I need him to slow down a bit.  Noah continues to army crawl everywhere, just started learning how to go from lying down to sitting up, and stand while holding on to something.  We are working on him pulling himself up to a standing position on his own.  Both boys are clapping their hands, eating lots more table foods (pumpkin pancakes have been a favorite), obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, always blowing raspberries on anyone's bare skin (cracks us up every time!), and extremely curious about everything.  These sweet boys bring so much joy and happiness to everyone around them!  I just can't get enough of them!!!

Noah Bear

Dilly Bar 

They are always full of smiles and giggles!

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