Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Weekend Fun

Celebrating Nicholas and Isabella's birthdays with a barbecue at the house.

Happy 5th Birthday Nicholas!

Happy 2nd Birthday Bella!


Isabella was such a sweetie when the girls all went out for pedicures.

Sunday morning smiles from Noah Bear!

Brotherly Love!

Brunch at the Deer Valley Airport.

Momma and Dylan

Noah and Auntie

Mason and Poppa (Mason calls Poppa his pal)

Another fun weekend filled with friends and family.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

10 Months

Happy 10 Months!

These calendar pictures get more and more difficult each month!

Nurse Jackie and AJ (Dylan's physical therapist) came to visit this week.  I was surprised by how much these boys have grown in just a little less than a month.  Noah weighs 22.4 pounds (80th percentile) and is 28 1/2 inches (50th percentile) tall.  Dylan is 23.2 pounds (90th percentile) and 29 1/2 inches (80th percentile) tall.  It is crazy that they started out on premie charts!  Dylan graduated from physical therapy and no longer requires any services.  Nurse Jackie also told us that he is advanced with his movement and fine motor skills.  Dylan pulls himself to a standing position, cruises around the furniture, goes from lying down to sitting up, and even took his first step alone!  This guy has been wanting to run since we took him home from the hospital.  I need him to slow down a bit.  Noah continues to army crawl everywhere, just started learning how to go from lying down to sitting up, and stand while holding on to something.  We are working on him pulling himself up to a standing position on his own.  Both boys are clapping their hands, eating lots more table foods (pumpkin pancakes have been a favorite), obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, always blowing raspberries on anyone's bare skin (cracks us up every time!), and extremely curious about everything.  These sweet boys bring so much joy and happiness to everyone around them!  I just can't get enough of them!!!

Noah Bear

Dilly Bar 

They are always full of smiles and giggles!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Proud Mommy

The many faces of Mason!

I feel like all I am doing lately is disciplining Mason and dealing with his epic crying tantrums. Welcome to the world of dealing with a three year old. Mason was always such a well behaved baby and toddler, so this has definitely been an adjustment. He is still my sweet, loving, adorable little boy most of the time, so it is not fun dealing with these new personality traits. I think I lose my patience a little too easily at times and I have to understand that he is only three years old. He has had some major life changes in the past year and he is learning to adjust to this crazy world.

With that all being said, I am beyond proud of this little guy. It all started on his third birthday. Mason has been attached to his pacifier since he was born. No judging! Since he was one year old, we only allowed him to use it when he was sleeping. For the last few months we've been telling Mason that there is no more pacifier after his third birthday. Mason seemed almost excited about it. He kept telling us that he is going to throw it in the garbage. We even had a countdown of how many days left until the pacifier goes away. When the day finally came, I was not surprised that Mason started to tear up when it was time to get rid of the pacifier. I was surprised though when through the tears, Mason told us he was ready to throw it in the garbage. We walked outside to the big garbage can, he kissed the pacifier, and then threw it in the garbage like a big boy. I could not believe this was my child! I have been so focused on his negative behaviors that I almost missed how much he had matured. I know lots of people are very judgmental about pacifiers and may not think that this is a big deal, but he parted with something that he had been so close to for the past three years. 

Not only did he get rid of the pacifier, but he is well on his way to being potty trained. (Again no judging!) FINALLY!!! He still wears a diaper during naps, at night, and long car rides, but has barely had any accidents! For some unknown reason, Mason has always had anxiety about public restrooms. He hated the sound of flushing toilets. This has made for some stressful diaper changes over the years. After today, my big guy has now even gone potty in public. I can't even express how proud I am of him. Now if we can only get him to understand that his brothers are still babies and he can't wrestle with them! I love this little man so much! Mason is going to be an amazing role model to his brothers and I am super excited for what the future holds for him.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday Jackson!

Jackson loved his present from us!

Momma and Noah Bear

Jackson and Dylan

Mason got another present!

These monkeys all turned 3 within a week of each other.

It is Jackson's turn to open presents Mason!

Grandma and her grand boys!

Such a fun party!

Time for bed after a long day in Tucson.

Happy Birthday sweet Jacks! We love love you so much!!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Pump It Up

This year we decided to have Mason's birthday party at Pump it Up. This place is filled with bouncy houses, inflatable slides, and other fun things to play on. At first, I wasn't sure I was going to be happy with this party. For the last two parties, I researched Pinterest and spent hours planning and preparing every little detail. This year, all we had to do was show up. I didn't cook, make crafts, or have control of the details. This was a hard thing for me, but so worth it! There was no stress and I am pretty sure that I had more fun then some of the kids. Mason was intimidated by everything at first, but once I forced him down the slide, he had a blast! I think everyone had a great time! 

The birthday boy being a goof ball on the way to the party.

Mason said his favorite part of the party was the cake! He definitely takes after his mommy! The theme was Paw Patrol, which is one of Mason's favorite shows.

Mason loves blowing out candles.

These two were ready to party! We all dressed up with Paw Patrol shirts.

Such fun with Auntie and Austin!

Mason and his friends.

Selfie going down the slide. 

Nothing like a little healthy competition between sisters, even though she beat me and I was really upset! Lol!

Noah Bear was exhausted from all of the fun.

Bone cookie party favors from Barb's Bakery.


Thanks Auntie for the coolest present!

We need some NY Giants stuff for this kid!

The September Birthday Crew!