Thursday, April 17, 2014

Potty Training

About a month ago, we bought Mason a present and wrapped it up. Since he loves gifts, we figured we could bribe him to go potty. We brought that present everywhere, but this little guy could care less. So last weekend, I decided that I would unwrap the present after I went on the potty. Once Mason saw the toy, Ramone, a character from Cars, he instantly wanted it. I wouldn't let him play with it until he went potty. After some tears, he agreed to try to go pee pee in the toilet. He stood up on his step stool and went potty as if he has been doing it his whole life! Marc and I cheered and celebrated with Mason. He was so proud of himself and we were so proud of him. My big mouth promised him another present if he did it again later. Well Mason has a memory like an elephant and did not forget my words. So Mason and I went shopping for a new toy that afternoon. At this rate we were going to go broke from buying so many toys! Mason picked out a new book at the store and told the cashier how he went potty and now gets presents. We were all laughing!  In order to save money and keep Mason happy, we decided that he gets to play with his one new toy only when he goes potty. After 15 minutes, it goes back on the shelf and he doesn't get to play with it until he goes potty again. This system has been working for over a week now! He did have an accident on the tile and he is wearing a diaper a majority of the time, but this is the closest we have come with potty training so far.  I hope it just keeps getting better from here!

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