Friday, April 25, 2014

5 Months

Look at those bellies!!! These guys were soooooo skinny when they were born.
I couldn't decide which picture to use, so I went with both!
These boys continue to amaze me every day. They are the best additions to our family:) Their favorite place to hang out is in their bouncy toys. They get super excited by all the lights, colors, and gadgets. They are both giggling, reaching for objects, and trying so diligently to roll over from back to front. Noah falls asleep on his side when he gives up trying! Sleeping is getting better, but not quite where we would like it. Noah likes to wake up in the middle of the night to talk. He has a full on conversation with himself, and then falls back to sleep. Dylan wakes up at 4:30 AM every night. Sometimes the pacifier will work and he will go back to bed. Other times we have to feed him, and then he will go back to sleep.  There is no consistency with him just yet. Overall I am so grateful that they are happy, sweet babies. 

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