Friday, April 25, 2014

5 Months

Look at those bellies!!! These guys were soooooo skinny when they were born.
I couldn't decide which picture to use, so I went with both!
These boys continue to amaze me every day. They are the best additions to our family:) Their favorite place to hang out is in their bouncy toys. They get super excited by all the lights, colors, and gadgets. They are both giggling, reaching for objects, and trying so diligently to roll over from back to front. Noah falls asleep on his side when he gives up trying! Sleeping is getting better, but not quite where we would like it. Noah likes to wake up in the middle of the night to talk. He has a full on conversation with himself, and then falls back to sleep. Dylan wakes up at 4:30 AM every night. Sometimes the pacifier will work and he will go back to bed. Other times we have to feed him, and then he will go back to sleep.  There is no consistency with him just yet. Overall I am so grateful that they are happy, sweet babies. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Filled Weekend

We had a fantastic weekend celebrating Noah and Dylan's first Easter! It was especially great because this is the first Easter Mason really understood and he had a blast! 

On Friday afternoon, Mason decorated foam eggs for his cousins. He loves doing craft projects!

On Saturday, Mason, Daddy, and I dyed Easter eggs. Mason really enjoyed doing this too! He wanted to make pink ones because he said it was Mommy's favorite color. I didn't have the heart to tell him blue was my favorite because he was so excited about making them for me:) 

On Sunday, we all went to church and then had a delicious brunch at Jaime's house. All the boys got lots of treats and presents. Then we went to Grandpa Boileau's house to celebrate. When we got there, Aunt Michelle and Aunt Therese had already hidden eggs throughout the house for an awesome Easter egg hunt. Mason loved finding the eggs and eating the candy of course too! We had a wonderful Easter celebration!

The Easter bunny came to our house
These faces crack me up! 
Sweet Sebastian
Noah loves his new buddy!
Playing with Austin and Austin
Noah with Aunt Michelle
Looking for eggs

Back home, Mason got to open his Easter basket from Mommy and Daddy.
Such a fantastic weekend! Happy Easter 2014!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Penny Through the Years

This was the day we brought her home!
I adore that sweet face!!!

My sweet puppy, Princess Penelope Sparkalina Boileau! 

Mason loves his furry his sister. They are best friends!

Happy birthday beautiful girl! You are the best, even though I get mad at you when you bark and wake up your brothers. At 4 years old, you still act like the sweet puppy that we took home years ago. My Penny loves to fetch, wrestle with Mason, steal food from Mason's hands, cuddle on the couch, and go for long walks around the neighborhood. We all love you so much!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Potty Training

About a month ago, we bought Mason a present and wrapped it up. Since he loves gifts, we figured we could bribe him to go potty. We brought that present everywhere, but this little guy could care less. So last weekend, I decided that I would unwrap the present after I went on the potty. Once Mason saw the toy, Ramone, a character from Cars, he instantly wanted it. I wouldn't let him play with it until he went potty. After some tears, he agreed to try to go pee pee in the toilet. He stood up on his step stool and went potty as if he has been doing it his whole life! Marc and I cheered and celebrated with Mason. He was so proud of himself and we were so proud of him. My big mouth promised him another present if he did it again later. Well Mason has a memory like an elephant and did not forget my words. So Mason and I went shopping for a new toy that afternoon. At this rate we were going to go broke from buying so many toys! Mason picked out a new book at the store and told the cashier how he went potty and now gets presents. We were all laughing!  In order to save money and keep Mason happy, we decided that he gets to play with his one new toy only when he goes potty. After 15 minutes, it goes back on the shelf and he doesn't get to play with it until he goes potty again. This system has been working for over a week now! He did have an accident on the tile and he is wearing a diaper a majority of the time, but this is the closest we have come with potty training so far.  I hope it just keeps getting better from here!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Just the 5 of Us (and Penny:)

It has been exactly one year since we found out we were pregnant. The pregnancy wasn't necessarily planned, but it wasn't unplanned either because we weren't taking any precautions. We were going to intentionally start trying the next month ( the Chinese calendar predicted a girl then lol), but we also figured it would take a long time to get pregnant and Marc and I weren't getting any younger. It was a Sunday evening when we found out. I decided to take a test to ease my mind. I was 99.9% positive that I was NOT pregnant. When the test came back positive, we were shocked, excited, and scared. We were only intending on having 2 children, so when we found out that there were 2 babies in my belly, we were for sure done having children, so I felt at the time. I am not writing this to discuss my twin pregnancy because I did that throughout this blog. I am writing to share my thoughts on the finality of our growing family.

I grew up in a household of five and Marc has five siblings. I never wanted children and Marc wanted one. I find it ironic that we both wound up with 3 amazing, perfect kids when our intentions were to have a small family.  Baby fever hit me big time when I turned 30 and I just wanted to have lots of babies. Initially after Mason was born, I vowed that we were never having anymore children. Between the rough labor and delivery and the sleepless nights with a newborn, we were one and done. Ha ha!  Then things started getting easier and I truly fell in love with being a mom. Mason was/is my everything and I realized that being a mommy was my true calling. As Mason approached his first birthday, baby fever came back with a vengeance. Marc was not on board with having another child and it took about 6 months for him to come around.  He had just opened up to the idea of giving Mason a sibling, and BAM, we were pregnant. 

Throughout my twin pregnancy, even after we found out they were both boys, Marc and I decided that this is definitely it. We were really done this time. The twins were going to be born via c-section, so we figured the doctor would tie my tubes while I was on the operating table. We discussed the procedure at every visit, so I knew this was happening. There were times when I was unsure of my decision, but Marc (aka Ron Realist as he likes to call himself, but I prefer Debbie Downer) was there to remind me about finances, our age, and the possibility of twins or even triplets if we were to get pregnant again. And he was right, even though I hate admitting that.  I want to be able to be the best, fair, loving mom that I can to my three boys. On November 25, after Noah and Dylan were born, my doctor asked me one last time if I wanted to tie my tubes. As I laid there on the table thinking of Mason and listening to the cries of my two new beautiful babies, I agreed to the procedure.

So why am I writing this? I know my life is absolutely crazy with two infants and a toddler. Marc and I are constantly busy, whether we are cleaning, doing laundry, feeding, changing diapers, and just trying to have somewhat of a life outside the house, and yet, I have buyer's remorse. I regret the decision I made on that table. People think I am crazy when I mention this. They say things like, "Have you lost your mind?" "Do you not remember that pregnancy?" "You are constantly exhausted and sleep deprived, what are you thinking?" And all of this is true! I am exhausted, tired, and a little crazy, but the thought of never being able to have anymore children, makes me sad. I hate the finality of it all. Whenever I see a beautiful pregnant woman, I think to myself that I will never experience that again and it makes me sad. 

Would I like to have more children? ABSOLUTELY! More for selfish reasons because I don't want my babies to grow up and I want them to stay little forever. As I hold the twins in my arms, I can't even remember how tiny they were. As I pack up boxes of clothes, I cry because I have no reason to save anything anymore. There won't be anymore little babies in my house. I had a really hard time with moving the twins to their nursery. Mason was out of our room at 3 weeks, but at almost 5 months old, Dylan is still in the crib in our room. I know once he moves out, there will never be a baby in my room again. All of this makes me sad and yearn for more babies, but when will enough be enough? It is a part of life that my babies have to grow up, and as much as I want to bottle up these moments and keep them forever, I have to let life take its course and accept it.

This blog is a great outlet for me to not only share pictures of my loved ones, but to open up and share my feelings.  Even though there are no more pregnancies and newborns in my future, I get to really enjoy each stage that my three amazing children will go through.  Mason is an amazing, loving child and I continuously enjoy each milestone. Even when he goes pee pee on the tile as he tries to make his way to the toilet!  Noah is an awesome, sweet baby and I adore the way he looks into my eyes. Dylan has brought so much joy and happiness into my life. So even though there aren't going to be any new baby Boileau's in my future, I will forever love and cherish my three fantastic kiddos.  It may be the finality of our growing family, but it is the beginning of some great adventures to come!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Twin Update

I love these guys so much!
Their hands are constantly in their mouths!

My Sweet Noah Bear

The best way to describe this amazing baby is to compare him to Santa Clause. He is a jolly, happy boy with a big belly! Noah's laugh is infectious and it makes my heart melt. When he looks into your eyes, he gives you the biggest, brightest smile and you easily forget about all of your troubles. He enjoys rice cereal now and loves to sleep!!!! He is sleeping from 8:30PM until 9:00AM, unless we have to wake him up. Noah has officially moved into the nursery. He also takes several naps throughout the day. He is reaching for toys and almost rolling over from back to front. Noah is my chill, relaxed kid. He hates the Bumbo, but loves sitting up. We are working on him balancing on his own. Noah also makes the funniest faces and has a tendency to stare for a long time without blinking. He cracks us all up. This sweet boy always brings a smile to my face:)

My Little Love Dylan

Dylan has turned into my sweet angel boy, except in the morning when he wakes up and wants to eat. I haven't heard him giggle yet, but that beautiful smile makes my heart skip a beat. He is still sleeping in our room, but we are training this guy to sleep. For the past week, Dylan has slept from 8:30PM until after 6:00AM! That is way better than him waking up all hours of the night. We are so proud of him! I am starting to remember what it feels like to sleep. If he keeps this up, he will soon join his brother in the nursery. Dylan is a speed eater with his rice cereal. He can finish a bowl in under 5 minutes. We literally have to shovel it in his mouth so he doesn't get upset. Dylan loves the Bumbo seat and could stay in there for a long time, but he still dislikes "tummy time". Dylan is our mover and shaker! When he is lying on the ground or sitting in a bouncy chair, his legs are going as if he is ready to run a marathon! We are going to have our hands full with this one. This gorgeous boy lights up my life!