Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cardboard City 2013

For the last few months, I have been the community service liaison for the company in which I am working.  The charity we have been focusing on is Family Promise. They are an organization that helps homeless families get back on their feet.  They provide them with the necessary tools to aide them in finding a job and getting their own place.  Family Promise is also the only organization that allows pets, so people don't have to lose their precious animals on top of everything else they may have lost.  I have visited the facility numerous times and the people there are amazing.  This weekend was their annual Cardboard City event.  A group of us from work made cardboard houses and spent the evening at Scottsdale Stadium.  The purpose was to get the feeling of what it would be like to live on the streets.  We were able to raise $7,800 for this event.  I am so fortunate to work for such a giving company and to have the support of my wonderful coworkers in joining me and my family in spending a Saturday night under the stars in a cardboard house.

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