Monday, October 14, 2013

29 Weeks in the New House

My Big Belly Measuring at 37 Weeks!
The Boys' Bathroom
Mason Waking Up in his Big Boy Bed

I had my 28 week check-up last week and both boys are very healthy and perfect! I can no longer justify the names Danny and Arnold because they are just about the same size. In fact, Danny is slightly bigger now weighing in at 2 lbs. 11 oz.  Arnold is 2 lbs. 10 oz. I have 6 pounds of babies in my belly already! I thought that was big, but they are both average size, measuring in the 52nd percentile. I am not used to that because Mason was and still is always in the 85th percentile and up. Their heartbeats were strong and they are just adorable. Danny is breach, but Arnold isn't, so they are literally butting heads on a regular basis. I guess it starts in the womb because I am pretty sure they will be "butting heads" as they grow up!  Those poor little guys must be claustrophobic though:(  We better come up with names soon! 8 weeks from today they will be here:)

We officially moved into our new house. Mason is so happy. Whenever we leave to go anywhere he says,"I want to stay in new house." He plays on the stairs, in the backyard, in the designated play area and the babies' room. He can't get enough of this house, and neither can Marc and I! We are so happy:) As we get settled in, I will post more pictures. 

Mason is officially out of the crib and it was such an easy transition for him. He doesn't leave the bed until I come and get him. On Sunday morning, he came up to me and said, "Mommy, I tired." So we went into his room, he laid down, I kissed him, and he took a 2 hour nap! I am obsessed with this sweet boy!!!  I hope he stays this way forever!

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