Tuesday, August 27, 2013

22 Weeks

Babies in the Office

For the last 2 weeks I have been feeling these little monkeys kick. They don't do it at the same time and it doesn't feel much different than Mason, but I love these intimate moments that I have with my boys:) Marc was even able to feel them too! Mason kisses my belly regularly. When we ask him how many babies does mommy have in her belly, he always answers 2! He also says 2 when we ask him how old he will be soon! The only craving I have is Haagen-Dazs ice cream. And it has to be that specific brand, but I enjoy most flavors that I try. I am also experiencing a little more pain in my back lately, but nothing I can't handle. Less than 4 months until my babies arrive! I kind of wish things would slow down a bit more, but since that isn't happening, my butt better stop procrastinating! Time to get things in order:)

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