Tuesday, August 27, 2013

22 Weeks

Babies in the Office

For the last 2 weeks I have been feeling these little monkeys kick. They don't do it at the same time and it doesn't feel much different than Mason, but I love these intimate moments that I have with my boys:) Marc was even able to feel them too! Mason kisses my belly regularly. When we ask him how many babies does mommy have in her belly, he always answers 2! He also says 2 when we ask him how old he will be soon! The only craving I have is Haagen-Dazs ice cream. And it has to be that specific brand, but I enjoy most flavors that I try. I am also experiencing a little more pain in my back lately, but nothing I can't handle. Less than 4 months until my babies arrive! I kind of wish things would slow down a bit more, but since that isn't happening, my butt better stop procrastinating! Time to get things in order:)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Sebastian's Christening

My beautiful cousin Nicole, her hubby Scott, and sweet little boy Sebastian
Grand-Monica and her grand baby:)
My sweet little angel!
It always a good time when Francine comes to visit!

Kissing Cousins

Thursday, August 15, 2013

20 Weeks and 4 Days

Whoa BELLY!!!
I am 20 weeks and 4 days, but according to the doctor, I measuring at 26 weeks.  Even though I feel HUGE, she said that I was smaller than other pregnant moms with twins.  I wonder if she tells that to all her pregnant moms?  Either way, it made me smile.  The babies are very healthy with Danny's (Twin A) heartbeat measuring at 154 beats per minute and Arnold's (Twin B) measuring at 152 beats per minute.  My cervix is closed tight and continues to grow longer.  My doctor was very happy with this.  We even set the c-section date for December 16 (my lucky number:).  So now, these boys need to cooperate so everything can go according to my plan!

Two weekends ago they did not cooperate and I was put on bed rest for 48 hours.  I started bleeding again, even though my cervix was completely closed.  My doctor was unsure as to what was causing it, so she ordered me on bed rest.  That was the longest 48 hours EVER!  I am the kind of person that is always on the go and rarely sits at home.  Marc was in heaven because he finally got his sit at home do nothing kind of weekend that he always begs for:)  I wasn't even allowed to get Mason a drink.  I was able to lay in bed, lay on the couch, and go to the bathroom.  Mason had a cold, so all he wanted to do was snuggle with me in bed and watch Cars.  That made it all better:)  Since that weekend, I have not had any bleeding, so it was a good thing I followed the doctor's orders!  

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What's New with Mason?

As my gorgeous guy quickly approaches his 2nd birthday, he continues to amaze us! We may be bias, but we think he is the smartest, sweetest, most adorable (until his brothers join us and then it will be a 3 way tie) little boy! Here are some things that my genius is doing:

1.  Mason talks like crazy, including sentences. I can't even count how many words he knows because he is constantly learning new words daily. He says "please" and "thank you" at the appropriate times. He also specifically requests foods that he wants. For example, eggs, cheese, and butter mommy is what I regularly hear in the morning. We don't even use butter on his food! Lol:)

2.  Mason also recognizes lots of colors. He points out the purple car and red Lightening McQueen when we watch the movie Cars. The colors he can point out are red, purple, yellow, blue, and green. 

3.  Mason also knows a lot of his letters and numbers too. His favorite book to read with daddy is the Star Wars ABC book. He loves this book. When he sees the letter J, he says, "J Jedi". I just have to accept the fact that my children will be Star Wars geeks just like daddy! Marc wants to name the twins Luke and Han because Mason knows those names already. No thank you:) 

4.  Mason has officially gone pee pee in the potty twice now. We were so excited and jumping up and down, but it has only been 2 times in 3 months. Lol! We still have a lot of work ahead of us.

5.  Mason got his second haircut and it was a SUCCESS! The trick... a lollipop and his best pal Poppa! Poppa got his hair cut first, and then got a lollipop. Since Mason is obsessed with Poppa, he wanted to copy him. The lollipop really helped a lot too! (See picture below)

6.  Mason has the memory of an elephant. This kid doesn't forget anything! On Tuesday nights I tell him Momma and Poppa are coming in the morning. The first words out of his mouth when he wakes up on Wednesday is, "Where Momma and Poppa?" He got a lollipop when he went potty, so on a regular basis he points to his potty and says, "lollipop mommy?" He never forgets:)

7.  Mason will probably have a profession within the music industry. He uses anything (plant, stick, food) as a microphone and sings into it. He head bangs to rock music and stares, as if in a trance, whenever we see live music. He can name the piano, guitar, and drums when he sees a picture of those instruments. He even pays the air guitar perfectly! Mason will definitely be mommy's musician:)

8.  Mason is obsessed with the dark. He loves hanging out in his room at night, with the door closed and lights off. I thought kids were afraid of the dark! Not my kid! He gets quite upset when I turn the light on.

9.  Mason is also obsessed with the Disney movie, Cars. He talks about Lightening McQueen and Mater over a thousand times a day. He has the cutest New York accent the way he pronounces Cars too. It is inevitable that the theme for his 2nd birthday will undoubtedly be Cars:)

10.  Mason continues to be my little lover. He hugs and kisses everyone, especially Poppa:) My favorite is when he puts his hands on my belly or kisses it. I don't think he fully understands that there are 2 babies in there, but then again there are days when I am in denial too:) I think Mason will be the best helper and love his baby brothers so much!

We love you little munchkin with all of our hearts!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy 82nd Birthday Poppa!

Mason and Poppa are the best of friends. If Poppa is around, no one else matters. He loves his great-grandpa so much and the feelings are mutual.  Mason will climb all over Poppa and smother him with kisses. I have to beg and plead just to get one kiss. I love their relationship and it makes me so happy, even if everyone else gets a little jealous. Happy Birthday to the most caring, loving, amazing man! Here's to many, many more years to come! We all love you so much:)