Monday, May 13, 2013

Washington, D.C.

For the past year, my colleague Brenda and I have been putting together a field trip of a lifetime to our nation's capital.  While planning and preparing for this trip, we did A LOT of fundraising and pleading for money.  I would like to send a HUGE Thank You out to anyone that bought cookies, candles and other items, ate at certain restaurants, donated tax credit money, and helped out in any other way.  Unfortunately, we were only able to take 13 of the original 25 who signed up.  Those 13 students had an amazing trip that they will probably never forget.  Brenda and I enjoyed ourselves too, but we decided we probably would not do this again.  Taking 13 teenagers on vacation across the country for a week is enough to make you go a little crazy:)  For the most part, the students were well behaved and we got to see some amazing sights!  The highlight for me was being up close as Prince Harry dedicated a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  It was an amazing experience!  I couldn't have planned a better lesson for that day.  This trip was a perfect ending to my 10 years of teaching:)

The Greenway Crew in front of the Capitol Building

Our pimp limo that we took to and from the airport.

Hanging out in front of the President's house.

Chillin with Obama:)

Hanging out with the Washington Family

The Pentagon Memorial was the most emotional part for me.  It brought back so many memories from that fateful day.  The memorial was beautifully set up.  Each bench had water underneath it with the names of the victims.  The way the benches were positioned determined if the person died on the airplane or in the building. 

The guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Prince Harry is on the right!  It was a surreal moment watching all of the officers:)


1 comment:

  1. Wow what an amazing trip. Thank you for posting the pictures. I love Washington D.C.
