Thursday, April 4, 2013

What's New with Mason?

  1. Mason said, "I love you!".  Naturally I broke down in tears and smothered my little boy with hugs and kisses.  It was the sweetest sound and a moment that I will never forget.
  2. To add to that, Mason is saying 2-3 word sentences.  For example: Mommy go night-night, Where he go? (with his hands up to add to the effect:),  and he is also saying "Please" and "Thank You" all the time.
  3. Mason loves to talk on the phone, but only when no one is on the other line.  LOL!  He holds the phone to his ear, sits in his chair, and proceeds to say "Hello" to every person that he knows by name.  Some of the names he says are: Mommy, Daddy, Penny, Abby, Auntie, Momma, Poppa, Nini (my cousin Nicole), Caca (my aunt Monica), Jackson, and Gaga Momma (which is Grandma).
  4. Mason enjoys sitting fully dressed on his potty.  We are going to start to introduce him to it sans diaper soon:)  He is now telling us when he goes to the bathroom in his diaper as well.  Unfortunately, he still despises getting his diaper changed and tries to run away when it is time to change it.  Mason squirms on the changing table, which makes it very difficult, especially when he goes "cocky".  LOL!  That is what he calls poop:)  He learned that from Momma!
  5. Mason is a pro at climbing stairs!  He doesn't need toys to play with when he can climb up and and down and up and down stairs.  He can do this and never get bored.  It amazes me how the littlest things that I take for granted can be hours of play time for a toddler.  
  6. Mason is the best baby helper when it comes to cleaning up around the house.  All I have to say is clean up and he is quickly putting everything away (maybe not always in the correct spot, but at least he tries:).  When I empty the dishwasher, mommy's little helper is right next to me handing me the utensils so that I can put them in the drawer.  The other day I was putting away toilet paper, and there was Mason handing me each roll as I placed it into the closet.
  7. Mason loves to brush his own teeth.  After bath time, Mason says "Teeeeeeth!", which means that he is ready to brush his teeth.  We brush them first for him to make sure that each tooth gets cleaned, and then he is free to let that toothbrush explore his mouth, and sometimes other areas of his face:)
  8. Mason has now established a sudden shyness.  My little guy who used to be super outgoing, now freaks out and tries to hide in my arms when he is around new people.  It usually takes him about 5 to 10 minutes before he warms up and feels comfortable.  I don't mind it that much because I get lots of snuggles and hugs when he is going through this shy phase:)
  9. We finally weaned Mason from the bottle (don't judge:), but now he refuses to drink milk at all.  He loves milk, as long as it is warmed up and in the bottle, otherwise he refuses to get near it!  He is one smart little guy (sometimes for his own good) because we can't even trick him into drinking the milk.  We tried putting it in his sippy cup, in a regular glass with a straw (he has an obsession with straws), filling up one of his yogurt pouches with milk, dipping cookies (which he also loves) in milk, giving him strawberry and chocolate milk, but each time we get the same reaction, an emphatic heck no!  Too bad he took after me with the stubbornness trait:(
  10. Mason is a little ham in front of the camera.  He now loves saying cheese and giving me a huge smile whenever he sees a camera.  I am partly to blame because I have been snapping pictures of this gorgeous kid since he came out of my womb. 

Playing on the Stairs

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