Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fabulous Family-Filled Weekend

This weekend was filled with family and Mason really enjoyed all of the quality time.  On Saturday, we met up with Grandma Boileau, Aunt Genny, and cousin Halley at the Scottsdale Train Park.  Mason was running around the entire playground area, going down the slides and playing on all the fun gadgets, but he enjoyed plopping down in the sand and making a mess the best.  Afterwards, we all enjoyed a sunset train ride around the park.  Mason was super relaxed sitting in Daddy's lap during the adventure.  Then we all went to dinner together.  Mason was extremely well-behaved, considering he missed out on a nap that day.  On Sunday, my mom, Mike, Mason, and I drove down to Tucson to spend the day with Auntie Andrea and cousin Jackson.  It is the sweetest thing watching these two boys interacting.  (They are going to get in some trouble together when they are older for sure!)  Right before we were leaving, Jackson and Mason were laying in Andrea's bed and ready to go "night-night".  They definitely wore each other out!  The second we got in the car, Mason instantly passed out:)

Going down the slide with cousin Halley

Aunt Genny and cousin Halley

At first, Mason was unsure of the ride. (I was worried that he would not want to sit still for the ride)

But I was wrong:)  Mason loved looking around and was very content sitting with his daddy!

Let me in!

I think it is almost time to trim those gorgeous locks my love:(

The Train Park Crew

Jackson is getting so big!  I can't believe this guy was born at 3 pounds 12 ounces!

They both loved playing in Jackson's really cool cardboard house with Christmas lights:)


I am obsessed with this pouty face!!!!

So sleepy after tons of fun!

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