Sunday, February 24, 2013

Birthday Weekend Extravaganza

I knew that I was going to have a fabulous birthday because Brooklyn flew into town this weekend.  After work on Friday, Mason and I drove down to Old Town Scottsdale to hang out with Brooklyn.  We walked around for a bit before we went all the way up North to Harold's in Cave Creek to have dinner with my family.  My Aunt Ann and Uncle Babe (it was his birthday too:) flew in from NY and we wanted them to really feel like they were out West.  Cave Creek is the perfect place for that:)  After dinner, we walked over to Buffalo Chip to watch the bull riders.  They have live bull riding every Friday evening and it is always a good time.  Saturday we spent celebrating Skye's 5th birthday at Cracker Jax.  Mason loved running around this place, especially in the sand volleyball courts.  Saturday night was spent with my best girls!  Even though we all have busy lives, it is so great to slow down and catch up.  Thank you girls for a fun night!  On Sunday, Mason, Penny, Marc and I went to another park close to the house.  Mason always enjoys the park, but this time he went down the slide all by himself.  My little boy is growing up so fast.  Sunday evening, Brooke and I went to the movies (that happens so rarely these days:) to see a sappy, romantic chick flick.  As usual, I cried:)  I am extremely fortunate to have amazing people in my life and I couldn't be happier!  Thank you to everyone for making me feel so special!

Brooklyn and Mace sharing the love!

Poppa and his brother, Uncle Babe

I love my sweet Steven!

Austin is turning into an amazing man!  I remember when he was Mason's age, and now he is going to be 17!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm!  Birthday treats!

"I can do this Mom.  Don't worry!"

My babies were exhausted after the busy weekend:)

So sleepy!

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