Monday, January 14, 2013

What's New with Mason?

 At 16 months, my little Mason is learning and copying everything!  He lights up my life and I just can't get enough of this kid.

  1. Mason always loved books, but now he loves sitting down and reading with us.  He is able to point to the objects that we ask him.  Mason gets super excited when he sees a picture of a dog and starts saying "Goggy, Goggy".  
  2. Speaking of words, Mason's vocabulary continues to grow each week.  Last week he had a cold, and every time I would blow his nose he would plead with me and say, "All done".  Other new words he says are ball, car, hello (every time the phone rings:), and bubbles to name a few.  My favorite is when he puts his hands on my face and says momma.  It makes my heart melt every time! 
  3. My one time really great sleeper, now puts up a fight when it is time to go to bed.  He is obviously having a blast hanging out with us, so of course he does want to miss out on any fun.  I do enjoy our new routine of "cuddle time" before he officially goes into the crib for the night.  He will do anything to prolong going to sleep.
  4. Mason believes that every item that he picks up is a telephone.  If we are walking outside, he will pick up a rock, put it to his ear and say hello.  He does this with just about all of his toys, blankets, and anything lying around the house, including the actual telephone.  
  5. Mason is a lover!  He doesn't quite understand personal space yet though.  Mason has a tendency to find someone that he likes and then has to lay on that person or kid, kiss them, and continue to keep going back for more love.  It is the sweetest thing!  He even has his first crush;)  Mason is in love with a 9 month old baby named Leila from his daycare.  He calls out her name when she isn't around and pets her head and kisses her when she is around.  I am going to have my hands full with this little lover!
  6. Mason is also obsessed with all dogs.  When he wakes up in the morning, Mason calls out for Penny, not Mommy or Daddy:(  When he sees any dog on the street or park, he gets very excited and has the biggest smile on his face.  I think we may be ready for #2 soon (puppy that is:).  
  7. Mason now copies every little thing we do.  If we laugh, he laughs.  If I am cooking in the kitchen, Mason has to get out the pots and pans and cooks too:)  It is adorable to watch this little guy.
  8. Mason continues to be obsessed with being outside.  Usually we all have a good time, unless we have abnormally freezing temperatures and Mason still wants to be outside in the freezing weather.  He throws quite the tantrum when we go inside.  But he is easily distracted with a snack or toy, so the tantrum does not last too long:)
  9. For the most part, Mason is a happy kid.  He is always smiling and laughing and brings joy to so many people:)
  10. Mason makes the funniest sound when he tickles you.  Marc and I try to copy it, but that is impossible because it does not sound nearly as cute.  The other night I was rocking Mason in the chair and I thought he was close to falling asleep.  He then looked up at me and tickled my neck.  I started cracking up laughing and then he was hysterical as well.  This tickle and then laughing bit lasted for little awhile because nothing seems to get old for him.  I love him so much!!!

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