Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Perfect Saturday Night

Back in the day, a typical Saturday night would have consisted of dinner at a nice restaurant and then finishing the evening off at the casino staying out well into the evening.  It is crazy how one little guy can change everything, and Marc and I couldn't be happier with our new "wild" Saturday nights.  Mason has been fussy lately with the "fang" teeth coming in (one officially has broken through and the others are about to, we hope), so we decided to order pizza and watch the Disney channel at home.  After dinner, Marc, Mason, Penny, and I went up to Desert Ridge to walk around and enjoy the beautiful weather, which is way better than the freezing temperatures we had last week.  Momma and Poppa decided to join us for some ice cream and Mason had a lot of fun running around the playground area.  Mason's face lights up every time Momma and Poppa are around.  This was definitely a perfect way to spend Saturday night!

Mommy's little Mozart

My 3 Loves!

We were all very happy that Momma and Poppa joined us! 

Such a fun night!

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