Monday, June 25, 2012

Marc's Father's Day Take 2

My boys lounging on the couch

Big Guy Boileau and Little Guy Boileau

My Sweet Loves
Marc was able to enjoy his Father's Day celebration this weekend.  All he wanted to do was hang around the house eating junk food and watching TV.  This was Marc's dream day because we rarely have junk food in the house:)  He picked out whatever he wanted at the supermarket and had control of the television all day.  My boys wore their lounging shirts and relaxed:)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Mason Pulling Himself Up

My little boy amazes me each day.  I anticipate each milestone and adore Mason's expressions when he accomplishes something.  Marc and I were eating dinner on the couch (our favorite place to eat) and Mason was in the pack 'n' play enjoying his toys and watching his favorite show on the Baby Channel.  Apparently Mason wanted to join in on mommy and daddy's conversation instead, so he pulled himself up and gave us the biggest, brightest smile!  Marc and I both screamed with excitement:)

He is growing up too fast for me:(

Hi Buddy!

Earlier in the day, Mason was playing with his toys in his room.

Mommy and Daddy love you sooooo much!

I love all of the extra time I have with my little guy!!!

Mason loves to read books:)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pool by Day, Hot Date by Night

Mason is happiest when he is swimming in the pool:)

He would swim all day long if I let him!

Don't even think about taking me out!

Time to get ready for a night out on the town:)

Mason looks very nervous on his date with the older, beautiful Skye:)

Mason doesn't know how to play hard to get!  LOL:)

My sweet loves reading together!

Skye is such an awesome kid:)  Love her!

My little munchkin has been obsessed with his tongue all week!

Mason and his future wife:)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Contaminator

My poor, little Mason had a severe stomach bug last Wednesday and his symptoms lasted until Monday night:(  My family has been beyond amazing helping me get through this, and now 6 people and counting have been contaminated with this bug.  I feel terrible that everyone is getting sick and next time I will definitely quarantine our little family from everyone.  I did not think that a 9 month old baby could get this sick and everyone who comes into contact with him.  This has been a rough week for everyone and I am soooooooo sorry:(  On a positive note, Mason is definitely feeling better!!!

I am feeling much better:)

He's Baaaack!!!

My Little Ham

Mason picked out the ball when I asked him!!!!


I have the best kids EVER!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day

I want to wish all the amazing dads a very special day!  Unfortunately, Marc did not have such a great day:(  Mason contracted a very contagious stomach bug on Thursday and got Marc, Momma, Poppa, and I sick through the weekend.  We will be celebrating Father's Day next Sunday:) 

Thank you for being such a wonderful partner!  I know I can always count on you:)

I love you Daddy!!!  Thanks for always being there for me:)

I am so blessed to have Poppa in my life:)

We love you Grandpa Boileau!!!  Thanks for all that you do:)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Mason is Crawling!!!!

Everyone has been trying to teach Mason how to crawl for weeks now.  He wanted to wait and crawl for Mommy and Daddy's anniversary gift!!  We were all super excited and cheering him on.  The days are gone when he would sit patiently in one spot.  Unfortunately, this day also marks his first real boo boo:(  Crawling around must have tired him out because Mason lost his balance and hit his face on the tile.  My tough little guy cried for 30 seconds and then he was fine, minus his fat lip:(   I had a harder time with it than him.   He really enjoyed sucking on an ice cube!  I also know that this is the first of many bumps and bruises throughout his lifetime.  Now starts the time where we will be chasing after our little mover!!!

Mason was the center of attention!

Mason chasing after the tennis ball:)

Even with a fat lip, he still wanted to hang out and play with everyone:)

Dear Marc...

Each year that I am with you seems to get better!  This year has been the best because you gave me the greatest gift of all, our little Mason.  People say you have to work at a marriage, but you make it so easy.  I fall more in love with you each day!  Happy 3rd Anniversary!  XOXOXO

June 8, 2009

Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

The Boileau Family

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy 9 Month Birthday Mason!

Mason is 9 months today!  At his 9 month checkup, the doctor said Mason looks great and is progressing perfectly:)  He is in the 80th percentile for height, weight, and head size!  He weighs 22 pounds 9 ounces, is 29 1/4 inches tall, and his head size is 18 1/4 inches.  Mason is going to be a linebacker for sure!  When the nurse gave him his shot, Mason didn't even cry, flinch, or anything!!!!  I was freaking out and he was totally fine!  He is one tough baby:)  Mason is crawling backwards like a champ, but he still doesn't understand the concept of moving forward.  He can now also go from lying on his belly to sitting straight up all on his own.  Mason loves to mimmick other people by shaking his head back and forth and waving his hands.  He also loves EVERYONE!  He will go to anybody and be the happy baby boy that we love sooooo much!  I look forward to many more exciting milestones:)

My favorite little boy!!!!

All dressed and ready for Momma's house!  Check out the spiky hair:)

Playing with Grandma and Austin is so much fun!

Mason is loving some Auntie time!

Mason waving "bye-bye"

Baby Push-Ups!

He really wants to move forward, but can't:(

Love You Baby!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Mason Feeding Himself

Mason is now able to feed himself freeze dried yogurt pieces and rice puffs.  A lot of the times the food lands on the floor, but he is getting better about getting it into his mouth.  Penny is always hovering around Mason's high chair to eat up anything that he drops:)  This week Mason has also started waving!  My little boy continues to bring joy and happiness to us every day!!!
Mason is now able to go from laying down to sitting up on his own:)

He wants to get into EVERYTHING!!!

Mason is able to crawl backwards:)

He loves sharing his toys with Penny!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mommy's Little Rock Star

Mason is rocking out in his crib!
Mason's First Mohawk!!!

This is Mason's signature dance move! 

He loves listening to music in his room:)

Mason also tried Momma's meatballs for the first time. 

At first, he was unsure about it....

But then he was asking for more!  Everyone always loves Momma's meatballs!!!