Monday, May 14, 2012

My First Official Mother's Day!!!!

I am truly blessed to have my little family!  I LOVE being a mommy!!!  My amazing husband spoiled me and made me feel extremely special for my 1st Official Mother's Day.  (Side note: Marc always makes me feel special and I love him more and more each day!!!:)  Last year Mason celebrated with me on the inside, but this year he was out and about with us:)  My day couldn't have been more perfect!  It was filled with family, food, shopping, and mimosas!!!!  I finally understand the kind of love a parent could have for their children.  It is indescribable!  My students always make fun of me for being obsessed with my son, but I can't help it.  I love everything about him.  I must have been crazy to think that I never wanted to have kids!!!  Becoming a mother has brought purpose to my life and I have never been happier!!!  Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing, special moms!!!!!

Mother's Day 2011

I am happiest when I am with my munchkin! He lights up my life!

I love us!!!!

Such a fun day!!!

Mason and Auntie Jaime

My nephews and my sister helped to make my 1st Mother's Day awesome!  I can't wait until we take the boys out to tea!  LOL:)

I love you mommy!!!!  Thanks for all that you do for everyone!  You are an amazing woman and mother!

The Boileau's

Mason was such a good boy all day! 

One of my students surprised me with a card and flowers!  This made my day:)
Marc came home with flowers on Friday for Teacher Appreciation week! Love him!

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